After searching the internet thoroughly, I decided to give the GoFit weight vest a try. I'm sure if you spent over a $100 on a weight vest, which many of them cost, you could find something that would be just a little better, and I mean just a little. This vest is comfortable, fits well and is adjustable for size, is weighted nicely and gives the back in particular a good workout just wearing it. There's been research on weighted vests and osteoporosis. One source indicated that just wearing a 10 lb. weight vest an hour a day will prevent osteoporosis from progressing. That was important to me. I'm very glad I didn't buy the hype and purchase a more expensive one. GoFit 10-Pound Walking Vest with Removable Water Bottle Holder
If you are looking for a less expensive, functional weighted walking vest, this one will do. As with most "one size fits all" items, it doesn't really. On me, a 5'1" woman, the top part of it is too large. At first it felt like it was slipping off my shoulder, but I got used to it. The velcro waist straps aren't actually at my waist - more like over my belly. The vest has 22 interior pockets for the 22 weight sacks - 11 on the front and 11 on the back. The pockets are made of that stretchy, rubbery material that is often used for canned drink insulation sleeves. Each pocket has a slit that runs crosswise in the middle of the pocket. That is how the weight pouches can be removed. If you did that a lot, I would think eventually that slit would rip, because you have to stretch it quite a bit to get the weight pouches in and out. Each weight pouch contains what is described as metal shot. It looks like dirty sand. The sandy stuff is first sealed into black plastic. Then that was sewn into a synthetic fabric pouch. The sewing on the fabric pouches was very sloppy. I decided to remove the fabric - it just seemed to make it more difficult to get the weight sacks in and out of the vest pockets. A few of the plastic pouches weren't completely sealed, allowing the sandy material to leak out. This was easily remedied with some duct tape. I only wear my vest at home, indoors, on my treadmill and elliptical, so the look of it wasn't a big deal. As I believe someone else mentioned, it looks something like a bullet-proof vest. I think I would feel silly wearing mine outdoors, especially since it is rather ill-fitting. In summary, this vest gives me the extra 10 pounds to wear on the treadmill and elliptical, but it's not pretty and it's definitely the economy version of one of these things.
It is comfortable and feels as expected. My neighbors say it looks like a bullet proof vest and it does! I would recommend this but I think it could have a better slot for ipod and or cell phone. It looks like it is a little reflective but not a lot.
I'm 5'4" and I walk 6 days a week between 1-2 hrs each trip and find this vest pretty comfortable to wear. Because the weight is evenly distributed it doesn't feel like I'm walking around with an additional 10-lb's (that's nice!). The vest has padded extra wide shoulder straps, but I don't use them much:) After sinching the waste I find I'm so short in the torso that the vest actually rests on my hips and lifts the vest off of my shoulders. This is ok by me since I don't like weight pulling on my shoulders anyway. The dual stomach Velcro waste tabs are nice for making a snug fit, but I have a smaller chest and find it has a tendency to gap and look/feel bulky up top. I wish it had a second set of straps for the chest area. The placement of the weights is nice too (front and back only-none on the sides). I really only have one major complaint...I wish it had an easier way to pull the weights out (little sand bags). This vest has very small slits and it's a pain to remove all the bags when I want to wash the thing. I think a single Velcro flap covering the tops of each row for quick removal would be a huge time saver. All-in-all a good product and I'm glad I bought it.
I love this item! Did a lot of shopping around on the net and in town, and can't beat the price, quality or comfort! Heavy enough to add some weight training to your walk, it's not cumbersome or bulky, doesn't shift around. I'm very happy I got this vest, I could feel a difference, I worked harder to maintain my pace, this is exactly what I was looking for.
I really like this product..i've been using it for walking the bridges and the parks and have just started using it for jogging...and i have seen results already...it's funny too when you take it off it feels like you instantly lost 10 lbs...the only thing is that its kinda bulky so you really can't wear it under clothes, you just have to grin and WEAR it...at first i felt silly but, who cares i'm doing this for me and i feel better already!!
I thought this was a good vest for the money. However, as a small woman, I find that it is a little too large for me. Also, since I am using it in hopes to building bone mass in my spine, I wish some of the weights were higher up on my shoulders. But overall, for most "medium" size people, this is a good value for the money.
Don't think walking is intense enough for you, but running is too intense? Well you can always walk with one of these ten pound vests. This is just super for building up your endurance and believe me, when you're trekking miles away from civilization, carrying everything you need on your back, that endurance you've gained by wearing this vest when you didn't have too really pays off. - Fitness - Fitness Gear - Hard Workout - Gofit'
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