I bought this Dremel because it is the only one that works with Dremel's new multisaw attachment. With that attachment, which is sold separately, you can use it like a miniature reciprocating saw (Sawzall). Just pop any "T" or "U" shaped jigsaw blade in, and you're in business. I don't know of another tool that can be used in this way, and for that reason and that reason alone this Dremel is worth owning.
I already own another multiple-speed Dremel, and I thought I'd sell it once I bought this. But I'm keeping both because this new Dremel simply feels cheap and poorly made. It seems like its plastic case is flimsier and it doesn't feel as balanced when it's operating. It certainly isn't ergonomic. Any Dremel user who buys this latest model will instantly notice the drop-off in quality.
On the good side, the multisaw attachment works well and the molded plastic case is designed to hold the Dremel, the multisaw and planer attachments, jigsaw blades, the included circle cutter and flex shaft. The kit also includes two bit sets that lock onto the top of the case, with room for two more on the sides.
There's no way I can tell if this Dremel will last. I've put a pretty good load on the motor, and it hasn't failed. But I think that if I drop it more than a few feet onto a hard surface, it will break. The shaft lock button feels particularly cheap and uncertain. I expect it to break first.
Despite all my concerns I'm keeping this Dremel. But I'll only use it when I need the multisaw or planer attachment (the planer attachment must be purchased separately...it only comes with the higher-priced kit). Any other time I'll use my other Dremel (model no. 3956-02).
It's extremely unfortunate that at the same time it has chosen to make the most versatile Dremel yet, the company also decided to cut corners on quality. Dremel doubtlessly wanted to keep the price down on this unit, but in doing so they've produced a multi-function tool that feels like a toy. Dremel 400-2/51 400 Series XPR Rotary Tool Kit With 51 Accessories
I have used the Dremel MultiPro for a LONG time. However, the XPR is a major disappointment. The only reason I purchased it was for the proprietary planer attachment that only works with this model. Before I did the planing work, I intended to cut some aluminum stock with a heavy cutoff blade. 1 inch in on a 2 inch cut the motor burned up and it died. Brand new pile of garbage. I've used my multipro to do this exact same job multiple times as well as much heavier gauge metals such as steel. This pile of garbage is going back and I'll find another way of doing my planing work.
The tool heats up very quickly during short use. Air vent placement might account for some of the heat, older model have it on top not on the side. When holding this XPR model my hands sometimes block the vents. Have to hold down shaft lock bottom really hard to remove collet nut, the shaft keeps slipping. Took the tool apart and found that the shaft lock pin is a lot smaller than the opening on the shaft. Just does not feel like a sturdy well made tool the first time I held it. Very disappointed with this tool.
I fully agree with above reviewers. I bought one of these and right away suspected that it wouldn't last. I was right. After 2 or 3 uses the on/off switch would not slide to the "on" position any more. The earlier model Dremels were much better. Avoid this 400 series, the less expensive 300 series is much better.
Just bought it to replace my older Dremel (which lasted 10+ years!). Within 10 minutes of using it, I heard a popping sound and smoke started coming out of it! So I finally get a replacement, and guess what? It starts smoking after another 10 minutes of use, won't even rev up anymore, just sputters along. I still like dremel, but this is a very poorly thought out and made item. Overheats like crazy!
My 3981-01 got stolen a few days ago, and I picked this up as a replacement since the box makes it sound like the next best thing since sliced bread.
This Dremel is far shy of the quality of my old one -- it's definitely cheap plastic, with even cheaper button & dial materials. While the additional RPMs are all well and good, I highly doubt it will last long in regular use. Looks like it's off to RotoZip for me!
I am a novice with all things dremel (had only heard of them 2 weeks before my purchase). I had one particular project in mind and was very wary of spending 75 bucks for one reason but thought that I will probably come up with a multitude of reasons over the next 5 years (hopefully it lasts that long). With that said, it has worked very well. It does get very hot after 10 minutes but I use that as an excuse to take a break (and write a review). I would actually recommend buying the 400-6/90 instead of this especially for only 30 dollars more. The individual accessories are very expensive to buy so buying the 6/90 (which comes with the planar and the jigsaw) would be a great deal better. It is very lightweight so I suppose it could feel like a toy. However, it is adept at doing what I wanted it to do. Now hopefully, I will be able to find more than 3 ways to use this thing. Dremel should commission someone to write a book about the various uses of this. I would have appreciated that more than anything else.
Don't forget the protective eyewear!
From day one I had a problem tightening the collet. No matter how hard I held down the shaft lock button, I would feel it tighten and then click and spin past the tight position - just going around and around and never truly tightening. Numerous times the metal bit flew right out while the tool was running. Once it flew out with such velocity I never saw the bit again (couldn't find it). Finally the metal teeth of the collet broke off and the thing is now unuseable. I also had the same problem as another reviewer where the switch gummed up and could not be slid from off to on without the help of a screwdriver or such. And there was no documentation describing what the different bits are for - pretty stupid. - Multitool - Rotary Tools - Dremel Xpr - Corded Rotary Tools'
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