I have a necessity for arm warmers since I get susceptible to the harsh AC conditions in my workplace. My fingers and toes easily turn into ice. (Seriously, and I live in Honolulu where they hike up the AC to 60 because its like 90 outside). Although I dare not wear these to work for fear of dirtying them, these are just perfect to wear under my baby tees, light sweaters, and hoodies. I love to accesorize so these are just wonderful to wear with my favorite pair of jeans, casual dresses, and cute tops. The color is so vibrant and pretty and the quality is just superb! I love the thumb holes because a lot of arm warmers I had didn't have these and I felt handicapped without them. I also had very loose arm warmers so I had to hoist them up constantly and it was very annoying. (They are going in the trash now). These arm warmers are very stretchy and tight at the same time so they don't pose that kind of annoyance to the wearer. Thank you so much for your awesome products! Keep up the GREAT work, KD DANCE!!! New York Black High Quality KD dance Arm Warmers, Durable & Soft On Skin Stretch Knit with Thumb Hole, Cell Phone Texting Chic, Made In New York USA
True story: I'm a graduate student in Louisiana, and this evening I was walking to the library around dusk. It was that time of day when the sky turns dimly blue, and it's hard to spot details or colors. So, I'm walking along, and a guy sitting about 20 feet away calls out, "Hey, girl with the green shirt: I like your arm warmers!"...and I say, "Thanks..." and keep walking, when he shouts, "Hey! My friend [the girl sitting next to him] wants to know where you got them, or if you made them yourself?!"...So I turned back, and told her right where to click on Amazon to find these coveted cozies. Long story short, even in the near-dark, people sitting *20 feet away* were so smitten with these long, sleek, sophisticated, and cute arm warmers (mine are a delicious charcoal grey) that they just had to know where they could find a pair of their own. Now *that's* impressive! A bonus detail I love about this item is the slightly looser, ribbed cuff that accentuates the top end of them - it adds a touch of elegance. Highly recommend these - so perfect for spring, when you want to wear a lightweight shirt, and never know when a cool breeze might come along. - Dance Workout - Ballet And Dance - Sexy - Low Rise'
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