Cute book with some nice ideas and designs. The fabric is gorgeous which of course makes a huge difference. There are projects for the living room (Patchwork throw, floor cushion, kitty tunnel, and the cushions on the book cover), kitchen - placemats and napkins, recipe card bags, apron and pot holder, Bedroom - patchwork duvet cover, bedside organizer (very clever idea), lounge pants, and sleep mask, Bathroom - bathrobe, hanging toiletry basked, laundry bag and decorative towels, Office - organisers, document duvet(huh?!), checkbook clutch... and personal style... a beaded sash which is a bit of a filler (free pattern on her site too), simple leather handled shoulder bag (which is so simple it shouldn't even be there - it feels like another filler - and personally I would never make or use a bag like this except for stashing yarn), and a patchwork handbag and clutch bag. I actually bought the book for the last two, as I love making bags and like her patterns. The checkbook clutch was a bonus as I had no idea it was there. Very cute.
The reason for the three stars is because the office projects intro mentions a business card holder - something I would find really useful - and the pattern isn't there, neither are any instructions. I wrote to her site to ask why, and was told that they couldn't fit all the projects in the book and thank you for pointing it out. When you consider how much space in this book is taken up with repeating instructions (for instance, every project that uses a certain interfacing has details on what it is and how to wash it - why not just have this in the techniques section?)
At the very least this should be included as a free pattern on her site. Amy Butler's In Stitches: More Than 25 Simple and Stylish Sewing Projects
I love Amy Butler's fabrics and patterns, and I've been waiting for months for this book to come out. I'm afraid I was a little disappointed when I finally received it. If you have never purchased Amy Butler patterns, then you will probably enjoy this book. But for me, there was nothing new. And I felt that many of the patterns have been done a million times -- such as scarves, pillows, aprons, drawstring bags. Amy always has very clear instructions, so this would probably be good for a beginning sewer. But, the book is not as exciting as her individual patterns that can be found on her website.
I, too, was avidly awaiting this book. It is underwhelming. I even thought about sending it back, but I'm sure I'll find something of value in it; the instructions are quite detailed and may be useful for designing my own projects. There are just not enough photographs! Amy Butler's fabrics are SO beautiful and fun and I was surprised that with the combination of Chronicle books and her that this book was so, well, dry. Oh well!
Amy Butler designs gorgeous fabrics, no argument there. Her fabric designs are so lovely I think that's why I bought the book. All the projects just look so darned spectacular. I mean, who wouldn't want a cute kitty tunnel or a fantastic toiletries thing-a-majig to hang on the bathroom door? Oh, that's right. Me. I'd suggest looking at this book, if possible, before you buy it so you know exactly what you are getting. AB's cotton fabrics run $9.00 a yard, if you want to use them and many, if not all, of the projects can be found elsewhere, probably with clearer directions and larger pictures.
As to the included patterns --not so fast. Most of the projects are made with self drafted patterns. Grant it this is no great shakes for a square pillow, etc., and the drafting will probably be a great learning experience. I don't think any of the project patterns would be difficult to draft, just be aware that even the kimono project, only two of the pattern pieces are included, you draft the rest (rectangles and squares, no big deal). The lounge pants too you must draft the legs below the crotch. I mention this in case someone purchases on Amazon thinking they will get 25 patterns included with the book. You do not. In short I returned this book, realizing I'd been dazzled by photos of beautiful laundry bags, place-mats, checkbook covers and quilted throws. For me this book is a solid three star, mostly for the excellent photographs and the inspiration, the rest of the contents you can probably find elsewhere.
I love Amy Butler's fabrics so I was excited when I found this book and loved almost all of the projects. But the book seems sort of unfinished. I was working on the pajama pants and it says to buy 2.5 yards of fabric for the trim. So I put the pants almost all together, and the instructions were great and spelled everything out step by step. Then when it comes time to put on the trim, it just says to put on the trim. There is no pattern piece for it, it doesn't tell you how much to cut out, if you should press/hem the edges....it's very strange. I also noticed that one of the projects they mention in the office section isn't actually in the book! When I buy a book, I feel entitled to at least have it be finished and well edited.
I am currently engaged in making the patchwork bag. I spent an hour cutting, quilting, and here I am with very EXPENSIVE fabric cut out and there is a very NECESSARY diagram that it says to refer to MISSING. I am so frustrated that I will have to guess my way through this pattern. I could have guessed my way on my own initially without this book. I have to say that her patterns and instructions are way too complicated. I do not find this book to be an asset in my collection of patterns. I would never recommend it to anyone unless you are just wanting a picture book. If you want that, then go to her online website for pictures. I do love her fabric. I have used it extensively in 100's of creations. I will still continue to do so but as for this pattern book it will sit on the shelf. - Crafts - Fabric - Amy Butler - Sewing Books'
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