I had never heard of the kettlebell workout but through a random search on Amazon I found it and was intrigued. There were very few reviews but the premise sounded like something I would enjoy so I took a shot and ordered it.
In order for you to make a well informed decision in regard to purchasing this product or not I want to share with you my fitness level as well as my experience using the Kettlebell and Video in comparison to other fitness activities as well as who I personally think could benefit from this and who I think shouldn't consider it.
My Fitness Level And What Size Kettlebell
I have a recumbent exercise bike at home and I workout on that at least 5 days a week. I do 1 hour on the bike at least 3 days a week (sometimes 5) and the other days I never do less than 45 minutes I also use 2-3 pound hand weights for half the time I am on the bike. After I get off the bike I then do some floor exercises and hand weights between 3 and 5 pounds each. Prior to starting this fitness routine which I gradually worked up to over 8 months ago, I was recovering from some very serious health problems. Prior to that I had been in excellent shape most of my adult life always working out at the gym. Moving on...I ordered the 10 pound kettlebell and I am thrilled with that amount of weight, it's actually the perfect amount for me. Any heavier, I would not be able to do it and think I could easily injure myself. So, I personally think if you are in excellent shape and used to lifting weights you MAY want the 15 pounder but the exercises you will be doing with the KB are so different that I think it would be much better for most people to work up to the higher weight and not jump in with the 15 pound size.
The Exercises
So, the exercises you will be doing with the kettlebell are full range of motions with both arms, and a TON of squats. I have been using the kettlebell after I get off of the bike and can tell you currently I can't last more than 15 minutes. I personally subscribed to working up to things so I felt great after I finished, I will continue doing the bike then the kettlebell for 15 minutes for 1 week and then move up to 20 or 25 minutes etc...
The Workout
For me, this is one serious workout workout. What I mean by that is, this is no step class or kickboxing, this is super hard core. Again, for my physical state this is how I experience the workout. Now if you are in much better shape than me, it will be easier for you or if you are just starting an exercise routine it will be harder...it's all relative. The moves you perform really need to be done with absolute correct form and that is what I really concentrate on in order to get the most out of it. The proper form is not difficult to get the hang of at all. And, like all other exercises, you should go at your own pace.
This is the biggest disappointment. I thought the DVD was going to be a real workout type of DVD where it was entertaining and there would be a class you were following or at least an instructor. No, that's not the case. Basically there is a woman performing the exercises who does not speak, rather the instructor speaks but is not seen. WEIRD. There are also breaks between each exercise. It's very boring and I mean VERY boring. But, here's the good part. The DVD does teach you how to do each exercise properly and really that's all you need. I don't need to watch someone to motivate myself, I am very motivated plus you really can't have the correct form if you are watching someone as you are doing some of these moves. What I do is I tape a ton of shows that I never get to watch that are the real riveting types that I'm very interested in....i.e. American Justice, Mystery Diagnosis or one of my favorites Animal Precinct and I watch those when I am doing my bike or my weights or the Kettlebell and the time flies. I basically use the Kettlebell as another weight and cardio workout along with my bike and I just follow the proper form doing numerous repetitions; it's working out great for me. I *may* buy another DVD but I doubt it - though if you enjoy those - I would say go for it because the one that comes with the kettlebell is limited.
Who Should And Who Shouldn't
Anyone interested in exercise and enjoys the convenience of working out at home should definitely get this. I love it and it's REALLY good exercise and I can't possibly see someone not getting into better shape with this. If you have knee problems, I would not recommend this to you unless you have no problems with squats. If you want to tighten your booty and tone your arms and legs... ORDER NOW!!
The Kettlebell workout is such a fantastic change from the usual; it's a lot of fun, challenging and an excellent overall workout. The KB itself is very small and easy to store almost anywhere. I can recommend this workout without reservation, just concentrate on your form and take it slow! I truly hope this review has been helpful in your decision to purchase The GoFit KettleBell (10 LB) and DVD set or not, I'm thrilled with mine and look forward to doing it every day! GoFit 10-Pound Yellow Kettlebell with Vinyl Coating, Training DVD and Exercise Booklet
I have lifted weights for several years; but a recent article in FITNESS magazine made me curious to try kettlebells. Not knowing anything about them, I went to Amazon and ordered the 10# with dvd,and the booklet. I am now using a 15# kettlebell, on my own. I highly recommend the GoFit kettlebell & dvd. You really need to learn the moves and correct form, but kettlebells are one heck of a workout. I dont use resistance bands, or dumbbells much anymore. I am 56, am losing body fat, and overall I feel better and stronger in my back and legs than I have in a long time. These GoFit 'kits' are well worth the money. Go for it!
I enjoy following the Iron Core exercise routine with the kettlebell. It's a lot of squats, which normally bother my knees, but somehow swinging the kettlebell must help with form. My knees haven't bothered me, and, I mean, you really do lots of squats. It gets my heart rate right up there, so it's good aerobic exercise at the same time as strengthening your muscles. My neck and shoulders feel better and I can feel less fat in that area. I bought a follow along exercise DVD at Target once I had the basic idea down from the enclosed DVD. - Fitness - Kettlebell - Weight Training - Strength'
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