The style of the watch is great. Not for everybody but perfect for some, like me. It gets some laughs because it is gold (in color) but just a basic casio digital. Its kind of a gag but very stylish to me. You will probably be the only person you know wearing one of these. I particularly like the flat gold colored plastic face, which is a nice subtle contrast with the shiny golden metal. In the 10 or 12 months that I have been wearing it the time has never wavered. The full-screen blue backlight is nice looking and fun, but it stopped working shortly after I got it, then suddenly started working again briefly, and now never works. (still keeping time perfectly though) I bought it here on Amazon, but it is not stocked by Amazon. I think these ones for sale are old stock, with batteries running all the while. ...Also, having not been very careful and washing my hands often at work, the watch has tarnished on many of the edges. I havent looked closely, but it appears irreversable. Still, this is my favorite watch ever, and I'm about to buy another. I thought I would alternate with the casio calculator watch I bought around the same time, but my habit quickly became wearing this gold one all the time. Casio Men's Dress watch #A168WG9
Please pardon my english, it is not my born language
Im a 19 year old male, student.
I like this watch a lot.
seems to me that it has been seeling good, first time i bought it from watch colony it was $20.00, that was less than a year ago, then I ordered another one and the cost was 22.00.. now it is 24.00...
i did not give the watch 5 stars because it is still feels cheap, it is reallly light, and the case is not metal, it is acrilic wich is easily scratched.
Don't get me wrong it is very fashionable, that is the main reason i bought it, and I had my doubts about water resistance, but I swam 1,000 meters with it and it is perfectly fine.
I wouldn't risk on going more than 3 meters deep though.
the "beep" is fun, the light is perfect, alarm wont wake me up, but it is fine for other things. '
I think it runs a little behind, or ahead Im not sure, what i do know is that i sincronized it with an exact model of the same watch but in silver, bought from same seller, and after a week the beeps where not unisone. One of them beeped 2 seconds ahead. or late. whatever.
That doesn't bother me, i dont really need it to be THAT accurate.
I have 5 of them. one reason is that i sell them forward in mexico's ebay ( mercado libre) , just as a hobby, i've sold like 4 of them.
I did it because paying for shippment of one only watch seemed stupid so i bought 8.
But If you like it a lot, i would recomend getting at least 2.
My hand is not hairy, but some peopple wrote that hairs often get cought on the wristband and are pulled off, cousing pain.
I was looking all over the place for this gold Casio and I finally found it! I currently have the silver one but I was keen to have a pimping gold one and I must say, I'm totally enjoying it. Hardly anyone wears these old school watches anymore but I think they be the illest. Anyway, bottom line is I love this watch. Has a stop watch, alarm, date and time - the essentials. This is what a watch is meant to be about.
So I ordered this watch about a month or two ago and the pictures doesn't do any justice to how cute and versatile it is. I wear it everyday, and it only took about 4 days for the watch to be shipped to my house. Everyone always complements on this all gold wonderful watch, and when I tell them where I got it from I know I gave them a reliable source. I would recommend this watch to ANYONE and EVERYONE!
this is the 3rd casio A168W gold i buy for me and mi 2 friend, here is the better place for buy good price, you going to receive fast, im going to other in silver color now i prefer use this casio cause i feel so in boga not like twins cause a lot persons ask me were i buy off course at amazon place !!!!. this is mi favorite store here buy you going to love it...
This is a nice, functional dress watch. It shows the date, time in 12-hour or 24-hour mode (but only one time zone), and has both an alarm and a stopwatch. It does not have all of the functions of my big ugly "working" watch, but it is suitable for general and dress use. The accuracy is good enough, keeping within a few seconds per week of the time-of-day standards that I use.
This watch is straight out of a John Hughes movie. Has the usual Casio stopwatch and alarm, and lights up with the blue light. One weird thing is that when you illuminate it it makes a high-pitched tone. Very strange. But still, it's a great retro chic watch. I think it looks lame when worn with business casual, but great when dressed funky and ironically. You gotta love a product that has remained unchanged for almost 30 years and still functions perfectly. It's also pretty cheap, less than $25 online.
Decent watch for what it is....a cheap gold watch. It tells time, has a stop watch, alarm and light. Not top quality, but it works. I got it because it looks cool and was cheap. I don't expect it to last long, but I don't wear it every day. I got the same watch in black/plastic and wear it to work. It still works and hasn't broke, but the straps do feal cheap. Not a G-shock.
Generally I love this watch, it's a beauty eh! One thing I never quite understood though, is why does Casio find it necessary to write on their watches their functionality. This one says on the face of the watch (Besides from - Light/mode/Start/Stop):
Alarm Chrono
Water Resist
Who needs that stuff?
Anyway, I love the retro gold look so I forgo on the extra verbiage. - Watches - Digital Watch - Wristwatch - Digital'
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