I have been using adidas for a long time, and this product is not up to the adidas quality.
The fabric lacks quality and after 3 machine washes, the pants look very old. Not impressive. I will not buy this product again. I have used adidas for a really long time and every product of theirs has been very machine friendly, but not this.
I just ordered adidas men's rEvolution III [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KL3FEC?ie=UTF8&tag=aisn-20&creativeASIN=B000KL3FEC] for almost the same price and that feels like adidas quality.
Earlier I was a bit skeptical about only my pants being poor in quality and had doubts if mine was a defective piece or similar. I checked with one another friend who also bought these pants, and he is not impressed either, but does not complain a lot at the same time. adidas Men's Revolve Pant, Black, Medium
This is the second pants I buy of this model. The first I bought Medium size and it came soo large I thought it was defective. Looking at the picture shown at Amazon, I thought they would be thinner, but nooo! They run soo large it's more like a Large or X-large. Beware!
These are great pants. Great for the gym, especially during flu season when everything is being spread around. Look sharp, keeps its color and sharp. Also, these things never go out of style. Basically the same pants Run-DMC was wearing 25 years ago. :) - Adidas - Track Pants'
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