This was one of the funniest shows on TV, but ABC never really gave it a chance. The second chance they did give it after surprising ratings after Season 1, was only to try and put more viewers into the sorry excuse for the 8th season of Scrubs.
Better Off Ted was hilarious every single episode. I was rolling every day, and can't wait until this gets put onto DVD so I can enjoy this ad nauseum (though that term isn't quite appropriate since I'm still not tired of Season 1). Better Off Ted Season 2
This was the funniest, most hysterical show on TV before it was cancelled by ABC. Why it was cancelled is a mystery to me because the cast was absolutely hilarious and every week was more entertaining than the last. Can't wait until the second season is released on DVD so I can own and continuously rewatch this series and enjoy each time I do!
ATTN ABC: Please bring this show back!!!!!
Better Off Ted is one of the funniest shows ever aired -- I don't think there was a single episode that didn't bring me to tears with laughter... But sadly, it was so poorly handled by the programmers at ABC that it never stood a chance. If you've never heard of it, there's a good reason for that -- bizarre scheduling that doomed it from the start. The last two episodes never even saw the light of day, so I'm looking forward to the box set to finally see them.
I still can't make up my mind whether to praise ABC for airing this show, or curse it for dropping the ball so thoroughly with it. Somebody at ABC was brilliant; but many more were idiots.
You cancelled one of the funniest (and best cast) shows ever. At least give us the second season dvd set to watch and re-watch and enjoy, and lament that you and the general viewing public didn't appreciate what a truly clever show it was.
BETTER OFF TED is/was one of the funniest, smartest, and, yes, one of the most cynical shows on TV in recent years -- not that there's anything wrong with that... Much like "Arrested Development", "Better Off Ted" was never really given the chance to succeed and to find its audience. So -- ABC -- please please give us Season 2 on DVD: the fans of the show will be happy and you will make a few bucks -- it's a win-win!!
This was the greatest show ever on tv. I laughed so hard I cried during many of the episodes. ABC never really gave the show a chance, moving it from one night to another, one time slot to another and never really giving it a home. If they had put it on their Wednesday night block it would have taken off and we would still be watching it. If you work for a large company, this is the show for you.
Greetings from Germany. "Better off Ted" first aired in 2010 on a small German Free-TV-Channel. It seemed to be an unexpected hit with many many fans, despite of the usually small audience of this channel. The TV-Channel noticed the potential : big advertisement campaign ! The funniest show since Seinfeld ! At the end they show a couple of episodes of season 1.......and cancel the show without a reason. BoT just vanished and was never seen again. Thousands of furious german fans where mourning over the internet. Me and several friends bought codefree DVD-Players at ebay and season 1 at amazon.com, so we are at least able to watch the complete first season over and over again. So please ABC give yourself credit for this incredibly funny show und PLEASE (!!!) release season 2 on DVD. It will be purchased even overseas ! (And in Germany I'm not even able to buy season 2 as a stream !!!)
how did this show ever get canceled??? it is HILARIOUS and incredibly smart. if you like satire, this is probably the best i've ever seen of american corporate life. think 'office space', but the next step up in terms of wit and outrageousness. positively wicked, laugh-out-loud fun.
the only reason the show got canceled was lack of advertising and therefore low viewership. the viewership it did have, however, was very loyal and loved the show. hopefully they will release season 2 so that new fans can watch it. - Amc - Survival Horror - Tv - Walking Dead'
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