I actually would have given this game a 5 star rating but there were a couple of flaws that really bugged me. First let me say the positives. I really enjoyed this game. I like saving the world from bad guys but not a lot of blood and guts (since I have young ones that watch me play i have to be careful what they see). The grafics were good and the secondary missions, while frustrating, added to the game like the first Dungeon siege lacked. What I really enjoyed playing with as the ability to enchant Items to make them what you wanted.
But the flaws: There are three levels to the game, you have to beat one to unlock the next, but the unlocked level only works for the charaters that unlocked it. So you have to run throught the same game three times. This is a little frustrating, but the monsters are more difficult each time through so it's not the exact same game. Still, when I play a game I like to learn each time through and make changes. As I approached the end of the first level I started planning how I would form the party with five charaters, but instead I was given the same four I finished the first level with. I could start completely over with the new formations but it was frustrating. In the secondary tasks there are a lot of three step forward and two step back things. There are tasks I never completed cause I got tired of going back and forth.
****The most frustrating thing about the game is there are sections in which you need specific characters to play or certain ablities to get through doors, so it feels like parts of the game are hidden from you.
If someone were to ask I would say buy it, just look out for what I mentioned. I just started phases two and still have several of the quest Items from the first time through, those in my inventory, so some of the tasks may be easier this time. We'll see. I'd still have liked to swing through the game with a larger party from scratch like I was anticipating. Then again there are a couple of places I am looking forward to getting revenge on;-) Dungeon Siege II Deluxe
This is really a great great game, but only for a certain type of gamer. First, you must be down with the whole Tolkienesque fantasy world of elves, dwarves, etc. You know, nerdy stuff. Second, you shouldn't be looking for something extremely challenging. Third, you should enjoy a certain amount of chaos and not be a huge control freak.
I think the best way to think of Dungeon Siege is a playground for cool virtual action figures. You can dress them up, you can buy stuff for them, and you can fight with them, or more correctly, you can watch them fight and control them a bit. None of it is much more complicated than that. It's like a great big game of "pretend". If that sounds like fun to you, buy it. If you want something more, look elsewhere. I personally love it. It scratches an odd psychological itch, what can I say?
I enjoyed the first Dungeon Siege so I decided to try out DS II. It is a great role playing game. It hold your interest, moves at a decent pace, and has enough new stuff so that it doesn't seem like a repeat of the first game.
WOW!! This game is great. There are barely any gliches and the story line line is amazing. The idea of being able to have a party of up to six people is amazing because it allows for more honed skills for each character instead of becoming a "weak, jack-of-all-trades" character. The length of the game is pretty decent and there are very few boring points. The secondary quests allow for a more interesting game. The expansion is even better. All I can say is, "You have to play this game!"
When Dungeon Siege 1 came out, it was a whole new way of doing RPGs - the what-you-do-is-what-you-become character development, focus on action, good multiplayer and great graphics for the time made it a niche of its own. Dungeon Siege 2 is very much the same type of game with a few enhancements, which earned it some harsh reviews.
It adds very little to the core gameplay of the original, except in one important area -- story. DS1 was a simple hack-and-slash with a threadbare story. DS2 has an involving tale (very Tolkien-esque) that gets you into the game and gives a reason to kill the next wave of endless monsters. In addition to a full story, there is less appearance of linearity this time around, and it feels like a much larger and involved game world with a rich history, warring factions, and various races. It is a lengthy game with quite a bit of good content and more options on customizing your team of characters.
My son and husband are the warriors in the family, and they say, "Game play is a combination of Neverwinter Nights meets Diablo II. It's fast-paced and versatile." As far as I (the purchaser) am concerned, well, I would say they have gotten their money's worth! I would dare say they come really close to playing it ALL THE TIME! So, good product! And "please make another!" NOTE: Husband's 68 year old mom is now the official Guru of Dungeon Seige - everyone calls her for play advice.
This game is a great step up from the first Dungeon Siege. The graphics are decent, the leveling up is often enough and the character creation is good enough. However, the game itself is very monotonous. Every quest requires you to fight through several swarms of baddies. I find it boring to sit there while your party wails on your foes for a good three minutes, and that is if they are at equal or lesser level that you are. The only driving urge to play is to progress the storyline, but it isn't fun. The story is good, but not really worth the effort of running around to battle re spawning creatures. I have yet to get to the expansion "Broken World" and I am not sure I ever will.
I LOVED this game! The magic, the adventures. I was hooked from the start and had trouble stopping for food breaks sometimes! Took it with me on the plane, everywhere! I'm not sure that I really want to sell it, but I'm moving and need to liquidate some of the media. My loss, your gain! I have it priced much less than everyone else in order to sell it quick! - Video Games - Dungeon Siege 2 - Rpg - Action Rpg'
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