This book AWESOME!!!! If you are a beginner know nothing about DSLR or know little bit for DSLR photography, then this book is for you. In this book, it describe everything in detail, also the LANGUAGE that we can EASY to UNDERSTAND as a beginner. You will love this book. I can say this is a bible for a beginner. Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies
Don't let the title put you off. The word "Dummies" might cause some folks to look elsewhere without even considering the content. I got started taking photos with a large Graflex press camera that used film plates (like you see the Press guys using in the old black and white movies) and have done my share of photography over the years.
With the advent of digital cameras,and especially the more recent high end DSLR models, there's whole new realm of information to master. Whether you're a seasoned photographer graduating from film (remember film?) to a new digital SLR monster, or someone having their first experience with a point and shoot digital camera, this book will have a wealth of knowledge to help you enjoy your visual passion.
This book is awesome. The only downside is that it often makes a reference to a table or photo or reference but it's on the next page which can be a little confusing. The editor could have paid more attention to that but over all the content is great!
While the author has some definite - and largely admitted up-front - preferences in cameras, gear and photo & video processing software, by and large he keeps his subject matter generic enough that it can be applied to any Digital SLR camera.
I've already started playing around with my aperture, ISO and shutter settings in order to get different results than what "auto everything" would on my camera.
This would probably be a good guide for users of digital cameras that are of the higher end "point and shoot" variety, such as the Fuji FinePix 1500 and similar - while they don't have all the functions of a DSLR, they do have a lot of them, and framing and design techniques apply to all cameras. While the camera specific information is already becoming dated due to the introduction of new cameras, it's not nearly as bad as some computer guides - and the information provided forms the base of knowledge needed to guide the purchase of a first DSLR as well.
This book talks about all the basics needed to shoot a great picture. It covers the lighting, framing, and camera accessories for better photo results. There are so much more to offer in this book. if you are an amateur photographer like me, this is definitely a must-have book. compared to others photography book, this item it's a little bit pricy but it's worth the price. Recommended.'
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