I use my treadmill 4 times a week and noticed that their was friction building up...I tried silicone from an auto parts store but the odor was unbearable and later learned that their are propellants in the aerosol cans that actually cause more harm than good!
I came across the LifeSpan treadmill lube, as I was looking for a product that was 100% silicone. It is easy to apply and I felt immediate results...I also like the fact that it provides me with a (1) year supply! LifeSpan Fitness 100% Silicone Treadmill Belt Lubricant
This is the best quality treadmill lubricant I've found. It is odorless (unlike many cheaper silicone lubricants that have a pungent, lasting smell that you really don't want in your workout room), it holds up well, and the spray nozzle makes it easy to apply.
Check out Treadmill Doctor's product as well. I recently posted a revised review of that product too.
My treadmill is old and the belt was continually dragging and jerking. At times, it would just come to a halt. I thought it was a problem with the motor and was resigned to having to trash it, but decided to try this product first. Now the belt runs very smoothly and evenly.
I bought my treadmill over 10 years ago and since that time, the prices of motorized treadmills have really gone up. I don't want to have to buy another, until I absolutely must. Just before discovering this product, I purchased an inexpensive manual treadmill. It's good to have as a backup, but I prefer the motorized. This lubricant is great. It even helps the manual treadmill run more smoothly. Before you trash your motorized treadmill...try this. I'm glad I did. It really works. You just spray on the underside of the belt. I was able to do this easily by locking my treadmill into it's upright position before applying. As others have said, the LifeSpan lubricant has no odor.
It's a lubricant, and it's made of silicone. 'nuff said.
No, but really, I can't say I noticed a difference with the treadmill after I put it on, but being that it is a lubricant, it certainly can't hurt the treadmill. I used about 1/3 the bottle to lube up the undertrack portion below the belt. So depending on your treadmill size, you should get around three uses out of this product before it runs out. I'd buy it again when the time comes.
Liked the product... didn't come with instructions however, but learned online that you spray underneath the belt... I suppose I did it correctly since I no longer felt the jolting after I applied it... Would definitely reccommend for those who have a similar issue and have already tried tightening their belt to no avail.
After reading reviews, I decided to purchase this at the same time that I purchased my manual treadmill. It does help the belt to glide more smoothly. My only complaint is that there was some leakage in shipping--the box was pretty oily when I opened it and the level of the spray was down about 1/4". Since it's kind of expensive, that was a bit frustrating.
This was purchased for our home treadmill and we haven't used any other treadmill products before, so no comparison is possible. It was easy to spray, didn't drip or puddle, and has made an improvement with the belt's noise. I'll keep using it and re-purchase when we run out. - Lube - Silicone - Treadmill - Lifespan Fitness'
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