Kivel's book Uprooting Racism is very powerful. In it he offers concrete examples of how privilege exists in the day-to-day lives of Whites (European Americans), and furthermore, how Whites (like myself) can come to recognize this privilege (which is invisible to most Whites because it has become part of the institution of American society--passed down for generations so that many Whites don't even recognize its existence anymore) and work toward equity and equality for everyone. It gives examples of how to fight racism on the personal level, in common, everyday affairs. Most importantly, it brings to light the many subtle, yet powerful, ways that even well-intentioned Whites act in ways that promote injustice, and gives powerful suggestions for improving the lives of everyone. Even those who believe themselves to be "non-racist" or "anti-racist" will find value in this book-- (I'd say 'ESPECIALLY those who believe themselves to be non-racist or anti-racist', since these are the people who UNKNOWINGLY promote racism and injustice.) Recommended to everyone, not just European Americans. Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice
I read this book for a social work class that focused on racial differences. Initially I was assigned to read only the first chapter but found myself reading the entire book over a weekend. I was engrossed with the book and at the same time angered and disturbed because it told me things about myself I did not want to believe. If you're a white male struggling with your identity in America I strongly recommend that you read this book. And if you're not struggling with that I recommend you read this book.I learned a lot about myself by reading this book and especially by re-reading it after I had calmed down a bit. It might seem at first that the book is just an attack on white males but its not.
When I began reading the previous edition a few years ago, I realized that I wanted to discuss it with other white people as I worked through the exercises. As a result five women in leadership roles in their church congregations discussed this book over lunches over some months. It took as many lunches as there are chapters. We learned much about ourselves as white women and much about the history of racism in the United States.I continue to look for ways to share the impact of this book with others. I am pleased that there is a new edition and look forward to seeing what has made this very useful book even better.
I understand what it is like growing up in a white neighborhood while being brown. My mother is white and my father native to my country. I am proud of both sides, but it really annoys me when people see me as one colour even though I have more white in my blood than brown. I have been in the perfect position of knowing what each side feel seeing racisim from both sides. However I am actually hopeful that colour and race and ethnicity are not judged at all, but as Martin Luther King said, let us all be judged by the content of our character. This is a much needed book, and I thank the author for it.
This book gives some great direction for someone who recognizes racism as pervasive and wrong, and wants meaningful advice. It is difficult to relate to a minority perspective when you are a member of a majority group.
You know what? We who are white need to use this power we unfortunately have in order to educate those who are close-minded and racist. I am proud of who I am, but not proud to be white. I do not like to be around all people who are white. I most enjoy being around people who are not white. It is interesting, enriching, and educating. People who live in all-white neighborhoods their intire lives,live in a bubble. That is not reality. How are you going to learn about differences and what this world is really all about. It is messed up and we need to do something about it. White people should not have any more rights than anyone else. In ten yaars white people will be the minority. I, personally, can't wait until the day. Several whites are going to get a wake up call and know what it feels like to be the minority. Lets all get along!
The reader who wrote that the book was dangerous obviously has a problem accepting reality. After reading the book for myself and seeing what they wrote, I wonder if he/she is racist. If they accept that racism is prevalent in this country... who are the racist and who is being plagued by the racism? Whoever is suffering from the plague ( minorities ) the other race who is spreading it needs to step in and stop it:The notion that is asserted in the book. A doctor with Ebola cannot save a patient with Ebola. I have a hard time understanding why the reader thinks that each race should isolate themself from others and lend no assistance.
This book is just plain anti white. Blaming whites for racism in this country, and saying the only way for racism to end is if whites stop being so racist. Are you freaking kidding me?! Singling out one race and blaming and trash talking them IS RACIST! Why does everyone believe racism is a one way street starting with whites and driving right over everyone else?
I'm in the middle of refusing to write an essay praising this book. My teacher tells me to not take it personally. Are you kidding me?! I am white, how can I not take it personally?! He won't give me another book to write on even after I told him how much this book offends me. I'm taking the matter to the campus board and if they tell me I have to write on a subject that racially offends me I am going to press charges.
So much for racial freedom for all.....
This book is an excellant example of Liberal thought taken to the level of complete nonsense. Filled with statements such as "It is difficult for any white American not to have an immediate feeling of fear in the presence of an African-American male."(pg 68) and "We expect men of color to be dangerous." (pg 69) and in the context of challenging racism we might see in other whites, "How can we challenge other whites when we may need them in case of attack?"[by a balck male](pg 68) and "...we are more easily deceived by white leaders who have an aura of trustwothiness simply because they are white." (pg 71). These are just a very small sampling of the silly statements that are evident on each page. In an obvious attempt to conjur deep feelings of guilt, the book rehashes all of the horrible things that whites have done to people of color. This is always, ALWAYS!, counter productive. Many of the solutions that he offers will never be taken seriously by Moderate-Liberal to Conservative persons. And that is the real problem with this book-unless you are a far Left individual already predisposed to believing the largely unsubstantiated opinions he offers you will more than likely dismiss everything he says and throw the baby out with the bathwater. Racism does exist. This book offers very little to uproot it.'
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