Finally, a movie Megatron who is evenly proportioned and has a satisfying alt mode. My big problem with the first movie Megatrons was the so-so alt modes. They weren't convincing (even for a "cybertronian" type vehicle), and was more of a robot folded up under the wings. With the ROTF Leader Megatron figure, I didn't like how his face was exposed in vehicle mode, and how horribly out of proportion his arms were (1 huge arm with very little articulation, it could only rotate forward and backward; while the other arm was tiny, but with some range of motion). Luckily, this figure alleviates those complaints, easily making him the best movie Megatron yet.
- Cowl/cloak looks very good in robot mode, and can be taken off to give full mobility to the left arm.
- His fusion cannon makes a welcome return to form, this time as his mechtech weapon. It attaches onto the side of his arm, as opposed to replacing his lower arm and hand.
- Transformation is relatively simple and fun
- Vehicle mode actually has some articulation (trailer can rotate to simulate turning)
- Mechtech weapon isn't over-sized, and looks great in both modes.
- Articulation is pretty good, he can hold many poses without any balance issues.
- Mangled face is a nice touch
- Very solid, durable figure.
- Excellent vehicle mode
- Cowl/cloak doesn't snap on anywhere in vehicle mode, but sits nicely over the rear.
- A bit on the small side, about an inch taller than a Deluxe figure.
- Would have liked a little more paint apps on certain parts of him (forearms, angled chest panels, and feet)
My complaints are very minor, and aren't enough detract from the figure. He's a fantastic figure with a simple but fun transformation and a very unique appearance that, to me, feels more like the Megatron character than any of the last movie figures. I only wish he were a bit bigger. I highly recommend him to collectors and kids alike. Transformers: Dark of the Moon - MechTech Voyager - Megatron
Megatron is back again better than ever!Megatron returns with a sweet robot mode and a just as good looking vehicle form of a Mack Truck.The Mechtech feature of a blaster converting to a fusion cannon is a nice touch.This gives megatron a feature similar to the old school G1 days.The durability is an A++ all around.The cloak Megatron has when on gives him a similar look of a Dr.Doom in a robot version which is pretty cool as well.The cloak however does come off and reattaches,so you can enjoy Megatron in which ever look you like the best.The vehicle mode is very sturdy with nice detail that all fans should enjoy.The transformation is intermediate level meaning if you have plenty of experience with transformers there is minor difficulty.If you are a parent buying for a child of 5-6 or younger they might need some help,but after a few times should be able to get the hang of it.In the process the waist twist around to start things off,along with the feet later in the process.The trickiest part in my opinion though is the shoulders going up while the arms end up underneath to form the front cab part of the truck.Other than that the rest of the process is pretty simple.The blaster in vehicle form fits right behind the cab,in front of the end part of the truck.In fusion cannon form it can attach to either arm of Megatron.The cloak can also be put on the back part of the truck as a canopy cover.The poseability for displaying or acting out battle scenes is also excellent.Overall Megatron is a very well made,high-quality.10 out of 10 figure all transformer fans should enjoy.I highly recommend Dark of the Moon Megatron to all transformer fans and collectors out there.Transformers Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the true form of Megatron, much better than past movie toys. Transformation isn't bad, but I'd leave him bot mode cause of the cloak and the fore arm cannon is just awesome! Overall a great collectible toy and fun for everyone.
First of all this toy is awesome!!!!! i knew i had to pick him up sooner or later i had 2nd thoughts of getting this toy, but i was like why? its megatron!!!! he's small and i wish he was a leader class instead we got 3 sentinel prime, ironhide and of course the fan favorite bumblebee... i like bumblebee not going to lie but there's a lot of him in this franchise, but yeah overall megatron is BA he turns into a mack truck if he was bigger like optimus prime well you know! (I can't tell you too much of this toy seeing how its still in a box ahaha) if you get a chance to pick up megatron, well that's if you can find it in stores now, since it basically sold out GET IT! i got mine for 17.99 and people are scalping these for what? 34.99, look around because people never seem to order from kmart i don't know why but they are the last resort and they have these toys less than 34.99 hope this helps...
This megatron is the best out of the movie lines. Symetrical arms (Finally) Love the detail, Cowl/Cloak, and the fusion cannon. Love how his face is still tore up from the last movie. The trailer can move (Turn) Even though this process is not used in transformation. and the cowl doesnt snap in on the vehicle mode but i dont see anyone playing with this upside down -_- I would recommend this
I have been a Transformers fan for a LONG time. This figure is so detailed for the price! Plus the figure is just so MEAN looking! Really fits the Megatron character! This is a must buy if you are a Transformer collector or a Megatron fan!
This toy is awesome i put it on my shelf after my little brother played with it and mom walks in she goes "this is the coolest one Ive ever scene" The truck mode is perfect.In robot form its so far the best megatron we got. Its a great product anyone besides the auto-bots would love it. Also the pieces are very strong. You really dont need the instructions its very easy. I recommend it. Buy it !! - Mechtech - Decepticon - Hasbro - Megatron'
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