Not a whole lot can be said about a hand-held hole punch. It works well, has solid construction, and produces clean holes without ripping the paper (even through multiple sheets). The rubber grips, of which the color is randomly selected (I got blue), is a feature that sets this one apart. Indeed, it's the principal reason I chose this hole punch over the other equally-priced (i.e., inexpensive) alternatives. X-Acto is smart; I suspect it costs them next to nothing to include this feature, yet sets them apart. The squeezing action is a little bit on the stiff side; because the handles are short, there isn't much leverage. It works perfectly well for me, but my wife did mention it was a little too hard for her to squeeze. Oddly, the receptacle that catches the punched holes has a lot of holes in the bottom. Before ordering, I wasn't sure from looking at the picture whether this was some innovative design concept that provided some neat and unique feature. As far as I can tell, it's not. It probably just saves on plastic to be honest. At any rate, you're looking at this because you want a cheap, functional hole punch, not because you want a bunch of fancy bells and whistles. It's a good choice. X-ACTO 1 Hole Manual Hole Punch, Color May Very (1521)
Within a few minutes, the puncher was misaligned, and no longer working. I could see this happening if I was using it on huge stacks of paper, but unfortunately this occurred with some really minor usage. I'd go for another hole puncher if you want to use it more than a few times. - Office Supplies - Punches - 3 Hole Punch - Paper Punch'
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