Before I talk about the game I thought I should mention that I'm one of those people who likes the fact that Amazon has designed the Kindle to focus completely on reading and I have no wish for the Kindle to become a multi-purpose device. With that said, I'm not against "frivolous" additions to the Kindle as long as implementing them doesn't take away from the core design and I prefer they remain optional.
I downloaded both the games that were added to the store yesterday and of the two I like Shuffled Row a lot more. I've had the games less than 24 hours and have already played many rounds. I was surprised to find that the game was slightly addicting, though I expect that will wear off when it's not so new.
Shuffled Row is sort of a mashup between Scrabble, Boggle, and Bananagrams, but with the twist of there being some guy standing there swiping your letters if you don't use them fast enough.
You have a sort of Scrabble tray of letters that are added one at a time and once the last one is added the first letters start dropping off. So you have to use them before they disappear off your tray. There is a progress bar that moves at the bottom of each letter so you can see when they will appear and disappear. There's a box at the top that tells you how many more letters you have left, out of the 60 total, and a list at the bottom shows which words you've made and how many points you got for each one.
Three letter words don't get many points. Using more letters multiplies your word score. So four letters gets a 2x multiplier and so on. Just like in Scrabble, different letters have different point values assigned. So if you can make 5 letter or more words using high point letters you can get some good scores.
The game keeps track of your highest game score and your highest word score, even between playing sessions. There's also an option to clear out the high scores if you want to start over. There's an option choice on the game menu that allows you to change how two of the key entries work to suit your tastes. If you need to pause the game push the Menu key. As long as the menu displays it will remain paused. You can click Continue on the menu to resume the game.
I also played the other game a few times. It's more of a sitting and pondering type of game, at least on the relaxed mode I played it on. What I like about Shuffle Row is that it's more of a free-wheeling, by the seat of your pants type of game. It goes pretty quickly. The game is perfect for when you might have a few minutes to kill when your Kindle is handy, but not long enough to really get into reading a book.
This is a single-player game, but it could easily be adapted to play against other Kindle owners if you're sitting around together. The version I thought of was everyone gets ready at the main menu and someone says go and everyone starts the game at the same time. Whoever finishes before the others could get a 10 point bonus score. You could also add a 10 point bonus to whoever got the highest single word score. Add bonuses and the game score to see who wins that round.
Oh and one last thing. It's not really clear at first how to exit out of the game. There's nothing on the menu. Hitting the Home key works.
Shuffled Row gets two thumbs up from me as a fun addition to the Kindle.
p.s. Please note that the Active Content listings for the Kindle include a drop down button so you can see which devices the product will work on. As more apps are added, some that will cost money, it will be important to make sure you can use the app you're buying. Shuffled Row
I downloaded this yesterday along with Every Word.
I have to say that I liked Every Word much more than this one. With that said, it is a neat kind of game although not nearly as relaxed as Every Word. You have to be really moving your brain to make words out of the given letters before they drop.
I guess what I'm happiest about is that both of these games have given me (yet another) excuse to bring my Kindle with me wherever I go.
Hey, it's a free download. So get it for your Kindle and give it a try.
Good graphics. No need to turn Wireless on or open web browser. overall a very good game except that i have to practice typing without looking on the small kindle buttions so that I will be better able to keep track of the new letters as they appear on screen.
***Update I see in some of the reveiws that people are mad that the games description does not tell you that it will not work on K1 or any of the apps. This is true, however the page does let you know this on the "Available on these devices" link under the price. If you click on it you will see neither the K1 or apps listed**
I never expected to play games on my Kindle, let alone one as well-designed and fun as this one...and (as of this writing) FREE! What a cool gift to Kindle owners! Simple to learn but challenging, this one's hard to put down. I also enjoyed Every Word, but this one involves more creativity and strategy. I highly recommend it: It's the best word game I've played since Bookworm.
This game is fun,and well worth the download price of $0.00. Others have described this game well enough, so I'll just say that it's perfectly suited to kindle. It uses the keyboard,doesn't need fancy graphics, and makes you feel smart. Between Shuffled Row and Every Word, Shuffled Row is the better game, but both are entertaining and challenging word games.
I really like these type of games.
You don't have to leave the wireless on to play it, and that is a plus for me. Unlike some other games I have tried on the Kindle it works EXTREMELY well in the Kindle environment and is super easy to play. The graphics are good too.
I love these kind of games and play similar ones on my Nintendo DS. Now I don't have to take my DS with me when I travel....oh no, I think I'm sounding like an Iphone/IPod/Ipad fan (wanting a do it all device....shudder) It will make for a nice distraction between books or when it is to distracting to read.
Nice Job any how! - Blackjack - Card Game - Games - Free'
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