We bought these because they can be used as two canoe paddles or put together and used as a kayak paddle. On the plus side they seem to be sturdy and well made. On the negative they're too heavy and the blades are not designed to use as a kayak paddle. The handles have no tee allowing them to dig into your palms when used as two paddles, so they are not useful as canoe paddles. These are going to the shed and we're buying another kayak paddle. Intex Kayak Paddle / Boat Oars
Although essentially the same as the Intex Sea Eagle oars, the difference is that the oars have two connecting pieces, the paddles, as sold here, only have one. This is fine for a kayak paddle but results in oars that do not stay in the oar locks. The connecting pieces on the oars keep the oars from slipping out.
I use this product as Kayak Paddles for an inflatable kayak. I am a novice to kayaking and probably have been using my kayak once a week through this summer. I use my Kayak Paddles on small lakes, large rivers, and even once on some Class 2 white water. For me these paddles worked perfect my myself and girlfriend. I looked at a lot of places and couldn't find any for less then $35 in the stores. I believe that these for $17 are even better then what I was seeing in the 35-40 range. So for a beginner that is most interested in just getting out on the water and enjoying the weather, these are more then you will ever need.
I just got the paddle, and here are some details of it:
1. It weighs 3.5 pounds, (so, this is not subjetive info; I read reviews here, some say heavy, some say superlight.
now, you can determine. I am a male, 5ft10in tall/160 pounds/strong swimmer, and it feels
a little bit heavy for a paddle in my opinion. So, if you are a regular female, it might
be a concern.)
2. The length of mine is 8 feet and 3/4 of an inch.(I guess there is a small variation for each one, but sure it is
a long sweet one. My kayak is an OldTown Dirigo 120, the
greatest width of the hull is 28 inches, so it needs a 96-inch
3. The connector can be adjusted, as a result, you can twist the angle of the two blades, which is a nice feature.
4. It looks strong and durable.
5. The two plastic blades are quite big, and the blade has a sutble curve, which is nice.
6. The price is unbelievable at Amazon.com.
Initial impression: Strong,a bit heavy, and big, great for males for sure.
I bought these paddles with my Sevylor Tahiti and was initially concerned about their strength and rigidity, But found them to be both strong and rigid. The connector that joins the paddles is simple to use and rigid, they double up as oars.
While this product is fairly inexpensive it performs very well. I've used it for my canoe and dinghy and performs well for both. With the ability to break down into two seperate oars it works very well for when both watercraft are being used at the same time. It is lightweight but still structurally sound.
These were the cheapest on Amazon for $17 each, free shipping when ordering two. They turned out to be perfect for casual use. Sturdy aluminum, secure connector to join the paddles which can be used separately. Hot shots may find them too heavy, but they float and do the job. Plastic paddle also seems sturdy. I also bought the Emotion Spitfire kayak, which I highly recommend, and they go great together. They even come with a carry bag.
Emotion Spitfire Kayak - Kayak Paddles - Boating - Kayak Paddle - Cheap'
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