Over the last twenty thirty years I have read a number of books dealing with diet and the impact it has on our bodies and our planet. One of the first was John Robbins, Diet for a New America. Healthy Eating Health World picks up where books like Robbins' left off and offers a current, fact based perspective on this critically important topic. It clearly explains how the answer to so many of our own individual health problems and those of the earth on which we reside, can be solved simply by what we choose to eat. Hicks raises all the right issues but does so in a way that is readily approachable and nonthreatening, even to members of the mainstream medical community, many of whom are not yet enlightened about the subject. The book is exceptionally well written. I finished it in a few hours not because I am a speed reader but because it is a "great read." Although the topics covered address life and death decisions we make every day, the clever wording and subtle humor make reading it a pleasure.I am buying copies to give as gifts to family, friends and business associates. I can't think of anything more valuable I could give people I care about. Robert S. Wyatt, PhD Healthy Eating, Healthy World: Unleashing the Power of Plant-Based Nutrition
I note the author's "Blinding Flash of the Obvious - in 2003." The author is a self-proclaimed "Big Picture Guy." He demonstrates this daily in his brief, focused blogs on healthy eating, healthy world on WordPress (hpjmh.com). This just-published book (Sept. '11) lets us have an excellent way to share his education on the huge benefits to health, health costs, environment, world hunger and animal treatment that result by switching to plant-based, whole-foods nutrition.My family of four has been on this optimal nutrition for best human health program since Jan. 2003 (same year as Hick's "Blinding Flash"), after we all participated in Dr. John McDougall's 10-day "Total Health Solution" Clinic. I am 75 and have no known chronic diseases and do not take any medicines, not even statins, aspirin, and supplements (except for B12). Making the many changes has been an exciting, fun, rewarding journey.To give a great boost to others to get on this worthy journey, gift them with Jim Hick's powerful educational and motivational book! - T Colin Campbell - Forks Over Knives'
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