I wish I had googled to check out product first. I stupidly thought I would be okay since I never reacted to this product before but many people have been badly irritated by this newer formula according to reviews at one website. It can burn and irritated the skin badly. PLEASE do the skin test if you have not tried the new formula. I was led to try it since it came in a lighter shade, but as it turns out this was the darkest dye job I have ever had after leaving it on for the designated five minutes. LIGHT brown it is not, coal black maybe. And now I'm spending the day alternately washing and putting soothing lotion on skin. Just for Men Brush-In Color Gel, Mustache and Beard, Light Brown M-25, 1 kit, (Pack of 3)
I used this product for years just like so many others. When the formula changed "New and Improved" I grabbed at it thinking it would last longer? Again, just like so many others, my skin burned, itched and I got sores. The itching would wake me up at night. I had to discontinue use and after about a week my skin felt normal again. No more! I want to know when this company is getting it's kick in the a** for realeasing something so harsh.
I used this product for years on my beard. No problems through January 2008 when I shaved my beard. In December 2008, I used it again on my sideburns... we're talking a 1 inch square area on each sideburn. Within minutes, I was suffering from a severe chemical burn. There was a huge blister on the skin under each sideburn that itched, burned, and oozed for several days. Aloe helped a little, but time was the only thing that solved the problem. It's been 3 days and I still itch. A note: as per their instructions, I did do a small test area before applying it. No problems with an area about a centimeter square. If you've got 1 hair to dye, I guess it's ok. Please check out other online reviews. This is dangerous!
Definitely, test this before use to see if you ARE SENSITIVE. Also, it may be possible to get a batch that is formulated badly, so you might want to test each box.
My beard started turning grey when I was 22, so I use this product sometimes.
Suggestions for successful use :
(1) I use it weekly on saturday mornings.
(3) Use only near formica and glass.
(4) trim beard as short as possible to expose as much grey as possible.
(5) for my short (1/3") beard, I use about a 1-inch line of gel.
(6) brush thoroughly everywhere.
(7) use wet paper towel or dedicated sponge, clean gel from skin areas.
(8) I hold a plastic baggie against my face, to keep whiskers immersed.
(9) start timer, and hold bag for 5 mins against skin.
(10) after 3 mins, check and clean now-dark gel away from skin areas.
(11) after 5 mins, sit in shower-tub. turn on shower.
(12) wash thoroughly with soap and shampoo.
(13) stay low so that gel does not get onto walls.
Using these techniques, I get about 6-8 weeks of successful use from a package, using a light-brown color. the plastic baggie ensures excellent dying at the roots.
when i use it there is often a slight itchiness, but i have never had a reaction.
this stuff is very messy and cannot be cleaned from towels, painted areas, shirts, or the porcelin of our faucet handles. If you wear pajamas make sure to use buttoned one. So BE CAREFUL. Do NOT do anything that would cause it to spatter !! Check the bathroom and clean away spatters 1 hour after use. Small specks of dye sometimes are not visible until it darkens in 30-60 mins.
I used Just for Men beard and moustache dye for the past three years with no problem. Last week I dyed my beard and moustache and the next morning I had scarlet skin, oozing blisters that don't heal without seeing a dermatologist (even after a week). I work in the pharmaceutical industry and can't believe the FDA has approved this. I am send Just for Men a bill for my doctor's visits and prescriptions. II contacted them and they said nothing had changed and to do a skin test. I told them I had been using the product weekly for the past 2 years and now my skins explodes for no reason???? They are liars and they need to remove the product from the market before they physically scar someone. Somewhere there has to be a class action suit against them. Find it and sign up. WARNING- even if you have been using this product with no problem like me. It can happen to you. AND IT WON'T HEAL WITHOUT A DOCTORS HELP.
I have used JFM for over five years without any problems at all. Last week I applied it and within minutes my face began to burn. When I awoke in the morning my skin was not only burned red, but blisters oozing puss appeared on the area where it was applied. It was so severe it required medical attention. After the blisters finally disappeared, I then noticed that it also removed the pigmentation from my skin! What a nightmare! I found a web site where over 80 other men described the exact same reaction to their 'New Formula'.
When I called the JFM help line, they shrugged it off and suggested I get tested for allergies prior to every application! This product should be removed from the market!
I have an infection on my chin that does not seem to go away. Its embarrassing and the symptoms are similar to others. Was healing and now its back. This product is dangerous and does more harm than good.
They need to be sued.
I used this product for year with great satisfaction. Then with the purchase of a new box I suffered the acid burns others are reporting. I wrote to the company and linked these posts. They denied that there is a "new formula" and simply said to do the skin tests and if necessary, discontinue use. I tried another brand and was very dissapointed with the result. Why does JFM not switch back to what worked (and didn't injured it's customers?) And if there really isn't a new formula, how do they explain that this had no adverse reactions before and suddenly - OH Mama! I'm on fire!! - Dangerous - Mens Grooming - Beard Color - Hair Dye'
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