I got a couple of these recently and I have to say... they are almost excellent. They do their job and make ice. And beyond that, they make really cool looking ice! The only thing keeping me from giving them 5 stars is the fact that they're kind of a pain to fill and put in the freezer without spilling, due to their lengthwise flexibility. there's no rim around the edge like in traditional ice trays to keep the overflow off your floor, pants, and cat.(I got a small 99 cent plastic tray that holds two of them and I just bring it to the sink, fill them, and put the whole kit in the freezer) But really... that's a small price to pay for really freakin' cool ice cubes. If your guests are as spooky as mine, they will be impressed. Fred Bone Chillers Ice Cube Tray
At first, I couldn't get the ice out and thought they were a pain, but if you just run warm water over the back for second or two, the ice comes right out without fail! They are adorable, and are easy to see what they are even in drinks! I love these.
I didn't buy this product for making ice cubes; I bought it for molding plastic resin for making jewelery/magnets/etc.
As far as that goes, they work great! Once the resin has fully cured they pop out easily and nicely from these well-made silicone molds. I can only guess that they would work great for making ice cubes as well if they can handle the torture test of using liquid plastic in them.
I bought many molds to try out and these were definitely my favourites, by far! The skulls are adorable and the cross-bones are a very nice addition. Both have considerable detail and the mold itself is very well made!
I bought this, the teeth, guitar, and jewel ice trays. I read the reviews and was aware of the difficulty some people had in popping the cubes out. Personally I didn't think it was that bad. Perhaps my expectation was worse than the actual outcome. They definitely didn't pop out like normal harder plastic trays, but it doesn't take that long to pop them out and it wasn't really a big deal. The detail is great and the size of the cubes are nice. Volume wise they tend to be about the same if not more than regular cubes. Yes, you have to either freeze in advance, or order numerous trays if you are trying to amass a large quantity. Knowing that the tray is made of cooking-grade silicon, I expected the tray to be flexible and not rigid like standard ice cube trays. As stated in other reviews this does make it difficult to get from sink to freezer without spillage. However, I can deal with this knowing the outcome is supercool looking ice. I simply used a measuring cup to fill the trays once they were already placed in the freezer. One thing that is kind of a bummer is that depending on what you're drinking you can't see the ice. I've taken to freezing other liquids than water and that helps with being able to see the great detail. It also helps with adding flavor. When I use my lemon or lime jewels, I don't even need a fruit wedge. Grape and cranberry juice look fantastic in the teeth. I can't wait for Halloween! I will definitely buy Fred Flare products again!!!!!!
I loved having this tray, and yes the ice cubes were a bit hard to get out but I found that if I ran the bottom of the tray under hot water for a few seconds the ice cubes came out with no problem.
My only complaint is that after having used it for months I came home from college in the summer and my mother stuck it in the dishwasher. Though it says dishwasher safe it warped and is pretty much useless now. As long as you don't put it in the dishwasher and store it flat it should be fine.
These ice cube trays are fantastic and are fun for just about anyone.
A couple of things you need to know about them.
One. They are somewhat of a pain to fill with water and put into the freezer because the silicone flexes.
Two. Trying to get the ice out can also be a pain because of the shape of the ice cubes. Sometimes they just don't want to come out.
Three. The first few ice cubes made will have a slight silicone taste to them.
Out of all of the Fred ice cube trays these are the ones I like the most and are pretty much the same size as regular ice cubes.
Somewhat cute skulls and crossbones, great for pirate and/or all year round Halloween lovers.
Retains the shape of the skulls/crossbones for quite a while in most drinks.
Pretty cheap.
If using for a party, will require multiple trays to get a fair amount of ice made.
Wobbly silicone makes it hard to fill up and place in the freezer, might consider getting a small cookie tray to place them on to make things easier.
The Fred Bone chillers ice tray makes very cool looking ice "cubes" in skull and crossbones shapes. However, the skulls, and to a lesser extent the crossbones, tend to stick to the tray, making it a bit of a struggle to enjoy a properly piratical drink. This issue occurs due to the eye sockets and other details in the ice shapes, so it is a trade-off between the attractiveness of the ice and the convenience of using them. Fortunately. the tray is made of a rubbery material, and to get the pieces out, you need only push to the molds inside-out. Your best bet will be to make a tray-full and dump all the pieces into an ice bucket instead of trying to pluck a few pieces out at a time. Making ice with this tray is a bit labor intensive (for an ice tray), but the pieces do look quite nice in the right kind of cocktail.
My only complaint is that it is NOT dishwasher safe...at least it wasn't in my dishwasher. After the cycle it turned out all warped like it tried to shrink, and it no longer sits flat. It's kind of useless to me now. Good thing they're cheap!
The concept is cute, but the ice cubes are hard to get out of the tray. The tray is very flexible which helps, but to get the ice cubes out of the tray without "breaking the ice", sort-of-speak, one must either let the ice cubes sit for a few minutes or just run water over them which loosens the cubes and therefore they become easier to remove without breaking a few skulls. - Fun Cubes - Cocktail Accessories - Ice Mold - Crossbones'
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