I'm writing this review, ours should set the computer and NaturallySpeaking 11 home are writing this review as I dictate. Please note I'll be doing no editing whatsoever. So if there any misspellings or miss words or whatever, it's either the software or I can't talk correctly. I'm guessing it's software since I have not been drinking, suffered any head trauma recently, or taken any hallucinogenic. So let's begin.
So what I'm going to do in this test is simply say a few phrases and words that are well-known and you can judge for yourself accuracy.
Mary had a Little Lamb whose fleece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
I'm mad as hell when I couldn't take it anymore.
Here's looking at you kid.
Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are rated equal yada yada yada.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop? The world may never know.
Should a taken a left at Albuquerque.
Once upon a time there through the pigs each one had a house. One pig had a house of straw, another had a house made of sticks, and the third had a house made of bricks.
As suggested, words with same sound different meaning:
(Typed by hand) To, too, and two.
I want to go to the store.
Are you going to the store to?
Are the two of you going Russian Mark?( program took ? As Russian Mark)
(Typed by hand) There, Their
their houses over there.
There's no business like show business.
Their car, their house, there you are.
(Typed by hand) Write, right.
I'm going to write a letter details of your 150 are right or wrong.
Go three blocks down then turn right.
I'm looking for the right words to write.
looks like the programs pretty good getting it right when it writes.
I write about the left.
How do you know when you're right, we come from the left to right about the book he read.( catch you on that one)
Thing seems a pretty good about context. I've tried pretty hard trip it up. I'm sure there are those were more clever than me could do a better job though.
(Typed by hand) Hour, our
He spent hours in our house.
We spent hours on our house.( should have been our)
looking for hours at our photos.
Yours mine and ours.
The biggest words I can think of:
subdural hematoma.
Dialectical materialism.
ribonucleic acid
here he Winkle - Perry Winkle -. Winkle
spontaneous human combustion
Freudian slip
sink Russell
In general, the program does seem to do pretty good job. The hardest part that I had is learning to speak rather than type. Learning to say the punctuation rather than press it with my fingers. And you really need to look at what's being written in a field proofread closer than normal. That should say proofread closer than normal. For me what seems to be the bind is that I'm talking and then watching it type in reading what types and then talking the next sentence. So I'm not hundred percent just speaking it proofreading as I speak. So the difficult transition to go from typing with my fingers to diving with the program.
But I have to say the number one advantage is that I don't have to think about words like to say but taking consideration can I spell that correctly and simply to say him. So from my perspective of being a very good speller I can express myself much broader and much more in depth than I would have naturally by simply typing them pretty much sticking with the words I knew how to type or spell.
So in general I feel that Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home 11 is a very good product and was a very good decision to buy and would recommend
after using the program for about a week or more, I and the program seem to be working together much better now. I'm not sure if it's that the program has learned my speech or that my speech is learned program. But after looking and reading over what I wrote at first, I can see a significant improvement in my words and with the program's writing. All in all I have to say this program pretty much does what it says it is ( does). I would only think that over time I'll get more use to using the program and the program will get more use to how I speak. Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home, Version 11
Got it on Monday and sent it back to Amazon on Friday. I was using Windows 7 Speech Recognition with surprisingly good results. After hearing all the ads for Dragon, I decided to give it a try to see if its accuracy was better than Windows. It was, except Dragon's speech recognition engine is 20 times slower than Windows. While I could speak naturally with Windows, Dragon required me to stop at the end of each sentence and wait a minute or two for it to figure out what I was saying. Dragon slowly populated one phrase at a time. The product is completely unusable. I recommend you use the built-in speech recognition of Windows 7, which is far better than Dragon and it's free!
BTW - this review was written using Windows 7 Speech Recognition. If I used Dragon, I would still be waiting.
I previously used Dragon version 10 for about eight months. When the new version 11 came out I was called by their customer service and after they described the new improvements. I bought it and am very happy I did. I'm still trying to get used to the punctuation aspects. The help screens are very good and the fact that it will take so many verbal commands is very helpful to me. I have multiple sclerosis and can no longer type but can use the mouse so I feel grateful that such a program exists. I did upgrade to a Logitech microphone because of another review I read earlier. I found two problems: when you try to use the rename function (F2) and bring up a spell window any entry will not transferred to the renamed file.Nuance has confirmed it is a bug but as of April 2011 have not corrected it. The second is a program does have a delay in response of at least a few seconds to as long as two or 3 min. to type the dictation. What causes this. I'm not aware of but it is a flaw with this program. I just have to wait until it suddenly wakes up and starts to type. I know it's a problem that if I say " go to sleep" and wait to see when the microphone turns to yellow. It has woken up. Which happened while I was typing this. All in all it's a super program and I used all the time.'
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