Is this the right time for this book to come out, or what? The tips on gas savings alone (where to park, when to buy gas, errand running, etc.) are worth what you'll pay for this book. I really like the tips for practical things that you use everyday. For instance, the tips about food shopping are full of common sense and also show a concern for your good health with the items you buy. The author presents a comprehensive approach to buying a new vehicle...again, this is worth many times the price of the book. He also discusses in detail the pros and cons of some things that have confused me, like buying in bulk or buying refurbished items. The tips on shopping for travel arrangements can save you a boatload (pun intended!) Also, the book has many sites which can lead to great values, discounts, coupons, or places to get more information on smart shopping and bargains. The Bargain Hunting Bible - How To Save Tons Of Money And Get 10-90% Discounts On All Your Shopping
My wife Rebecca got The Bargain Hunting Bible after we so much enjoyed the author's other book, Quick-Start Guide To Writing And Publishing Your Own Bestselling Ebook - How To Become An Instant Author By Using Free Tools And Software, and this one didn't disappoint either. lus, the PRICE of this bargain book IS a bargain too! Let me assure you that these are truyl REAL discounts, you will imemdiately learn how to find bargains on clothing, food, even your utility bills. The economic times are tough and probably will get worse before they get better. The BEST way to have more money is to SAVE more, not earn more. Ben Franklin was not quite correct when he said, "A penny saved is a penny earned" because a penny saved is worth MORE than a penny earned because you pay taxes on your earnings and spend time making it. So if you find that you are able to read The Bargain Hunting Bible and save $15 next week, that is like you went out and EARNED about $27 before taxes and the other expenses that goes along with a job. I am surprised that the author doesn't charge more for this book, it is worth more but perhaps he wants to make it easy on his buying audience and for that we are grateful. - Discounts - Save Money'
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