Overall great quality put together piece. I love the compound leverage that is designed into the pliers and the high polish finish on the entire tool. What I don't like is the grip panel cover that covers the rest of the tools is difficult to open. I'm not sure if this is just my tool or not but a lot of the time as I try to open the cover, the entire thing pops off instead of pivoting where it is supposed to. I'm trying to bend the lips on the cover to find that sweet spot so it will still stay in place but not be so hard to pop open. Not a big deal but still a little annoying when you're trying to get inside it.
The only other gripe I have with it is that the straight blade has too much vertical and side to side play than I'm happy with. I'm not sure if this is something that can be adjusted but the serrated blade locks rock solid both vertical and side to side so I'm sure this varies with each specific tool. It is great to be able to get a blade out one handed and not have to search through the rest of the tools to do it. The assisted opening on both blades works well and there is a lock for each blade to keep it from opening when you don't want it to and it also acts as a closing lock if the release gets hit somehow.
Another plus for it is that you can buy and install yourself individual fold out parts for it to really customize the tool for what you'll be using it for.
Overall I think its a great tool it just looses some points for the blade play in the straight edge blade and for me having to play with the grip cover to get it to open with out it popping off. SOG Specialty Knives & Tools S66-N PowerAssist Multitool with Power Assist Blades
I was really excited to open up the SOG box and pull this little gem out, snug in its' web case. It comes with a fairly sharp primary blade, and the smoothness of the opening and closing of the pliers is beyond comparison. I gave it only three stars because: #1. the spring assist on the primary blade is just a tad weaker than the spring assist on the serrated blade. Slight, but noticable. I am sure SOG would correct it, if I cared to part with it while it was in for repair. Minus one star. #2. No saw. I mean, really! What were they thinking? But a SOG tool can be fully customized with the tools you wish. But once again, I can't part with it that long. Minus another star. But seriously, I carry a 6-in-1 scewdriver and most of the rest of those tools in my EDC. It is the JAWS that I wanted. So precise and acute. And even Leatherman can't touch the power, smoothness or friendly operation of the SOG Power Assist pliers. I would have otherwise gotten the Charge TTI. But you can't beat SOG on pliers, with more than twice the squeezing strength of ALL of the others. It can cut a nickel in half. I am very happy with this purchase.
Straight out of the box and loved it. Alot bigger and heavier then I had expected but that does not distract from how great the SOG Power Assist is. Would have given it 5 stars but the fact that the V Cutter gets stuck on the can opener or vice versa really erks me. Other then that, everything else is so fluid and works great. A very reassuring tool to have on your belt.
This is just another great SOG product. Combining their Power Assisted blade system with their multi-tools was a great idea. In the time that I have been carrying the PowerAssist I have used it to tighten various bolts, I've disassembled and reassembled a laptop and used the v-cutter to cut up various bits of paper (testing, you know). It's just a very solid, useful all around great tool. The grip with the pliers is amazingly solid and the price here on Amazon really cannot be beaten.
The one knock on this thing is the buttons that allow you to close the blades and the safety locks are a little hard to actuate and if your a soft-handed cube-dweller like me their a little tough on your finger-tips. LOL
Anyway, a great tool, no question that it will last a life-time and probably longer.
Probably too tough for most people. If you don't work with your hands everyday in a blue collar sleeveless shirt, this tool might be too tough for you. A pencil pusher would look ridiculous carrying this monster. This is one big powerful tool. Above picture compares it to Leatherman Wave. I am brutal on my equipment and tools. I have to buy industrial or it will be in a landfill in no time. I always look for items that are "mil-spec" as you can be assured it is a tough as possible. I have been using and carrying a "utility" tool, daily, since 1988. (The first round in Iraq. When we had a justifiable reason to be there.) Back then it was just me and my Leatherman. After many years of service and so many sharpening sessions, (width of the blade narrows) I had to retire her. The SOG offers replaceable blades so I though I would try them. I tryed to contact them from their website and they were completely not responsive to my requests, 10 months ago, for buying a "BLEM" and blowing through another leatherman, I thought I would give them a shot, knowing full well that customer service is weak. I have been through dozens of "Utility" knives and they all have their drawbacks and benefits. This is the first SOG I have had. and it is impressively large and tough.
It is an A m e r i c a n Tool ~ BIG, Threatening, Flashy and Poorly Assembled
Sorry, but it's true, Ever since W. E. Deming, went to Japan to teach quality control, overall manufacturing skills here have never met the fit and finish available elsewhere.
Quality = Effort/Cost.
Now more than ever I seek the label Made In the USA, I will pay a premium or even accept an inferior product, for the sake of the American Worker. I know the 50's are gone, but somewhere someone else must yearn for the days of the Proud American Manufacturer. Where other countries are clamoring to import our products. Yada yada yada,, Ok
This is a great tool. slight adjustment was needed right out of the box. the V tool catches on the can opener when you open it. The "Power Assist Blade" had too mushy, and slow. (There is a give and take here.) If you want a fast blade you sacrifice the amount of "play" in the blade when locked into place. Also first shot at opening the cover for the blades it shot off. It does just snap back on and is useful, but it certainly surprised me, and I figured it will probably be the first thing I loose.
I have had my SOG for about 2 weeks now and I use it every day. On average I whip out the multi-tool 8-15 times a day, and over 14 days I probably get more use than most in a year. After using for hundreds of tasks she seems to be holding up well. If you want Heavy Duty, Daily Use. This is the one. The C-4 Detonator Crimping tool is also a nice touch.
SanLuisPainting - Sog - Multitools - Multitool - Multipurpose Tool'
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