The Horse features real world builds done by talented folks who are often not professional builders. You won't find the 1% wannabe if-it-ain't-a-Harley-it-ain't-wortha-S**t focus seen in most other chopper publications. It also doesn't cover those unridable billion dollar 'all-show and no-go' glitter monsters.
What you will find is an esoteric mix of reader-submitted builds utilizing Hondas, HDs, Yamahas, Triumphs, etc. You can even see WW-II era Urals brought back to life as Russian bobbers.
Yeah, it's a little spendy when compared to other bike mags because they aren't raking in the big advertising bucks from the bolt-on, after-market chrome crowd. If you are a grease covered, torch and sawzall creative type who loves motorcycles,forget all those other rags, THIS is the publication for you. Horse Backstreet Choppers
This rag does a great job covering all bikes. They are all about chopping bikes(hence the name) I wish i had been turned on to them long ago. They cover foreign and domestic bikes. What they also believe strongly in is a billet barge is dumb. I also agree. This is for people who work for a living and work on their bikes. You don't have to be Indian Larry's little cousin to know what they are talking about. And there is always an article about how to hack something.
One thing that seems to be not too great about it is the guys writing editorials. One guy hates the world and gets paid to dribble the same story every month. And then there's the guy who goes on a trip through Europe it seems like every year. But doesn't say anything other than "I am getting paid to do this by you, thanks for subscribing". Which gets annoying. All in all I love the mag though. And both of those guys seem great, I would love to hang out with them, they just don't have any competition so they don't go too far out there in the realm of quality writing.
All in all dont use that as an excuse to not buy it. I just don't want to write a review saying the rag is perfect, it isn't. But it is the best out there by a mile.
This is it. Choppers that resemble the working man's desire to create cool one off pieces of moto art that actually will make it cross country if needed. No floofy, over done, chrome plated packages of P.O.S.'s that you see every bike night at Applebee's with a content owner proudly wearing his brand new HD jacket and full leather's on a 80 degree evening. Nope. Not here. What you get is inspiration at it's truest form for dyed in the wool, custom motorcycle fiends. This magazine amazes me every issue and can give anyone hope of making thier own scoot a reflection of themselves and the lives they lead through countless hours of fabrication and dedication. Long live GTP and the staff at The Horse!!!
This is a good mag if you want to see pics of home-built rides.
Pro: Not all HDs...Good mix of import bikes too. Nobody trying to make their bikes look like a F'n dragon or spiderman or some other crap.
Con: Zero tech info on the bikes or useful how-to articles. Just a bunch of stories about dudes "livin to ride" and gayin' it up calling each other "bro" and givin out man hugs, high fivin' and bumpin' knuckles.
Did I mention the pics are good?
Horse Backstreet Choppers
I have been reading and supporting the Horse Magazine for a long time and it is still the best and most real chopper mag out there. The layout and content is awesome. And if you ever wanna check out these guys and the bikes live, I highly recommend hitting the Smokeout Events. I rode out to the last Smokeout West in AZ and am so glad that I did. These guys rock.
Paparider asked me to subscribe to this for Christmas for him. He is not always able to find it on the newstand because it sells out so fast! Now he will have it in his mailbox every month (and then I can read it after him... :-0 ) - Do It Yourself - Chop - Magazine - Motorcycle'
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