The device seems to work fine. It just took me ten minutes to figure out how to install the driver under Windows. There is nothing particularly difficult about it, it is just that some customary driver-install conventions are violated, and this sows confusion. Here is how to install the driver: First understand that the CD contains drivers for scores of different products. Second, these drivers are not sitting on the disk in any way that Windows can find them; even if we hold Windows by the hand and point at the correct folder within the CD, Windows still won't see the driver. Rather than trying to help Windows find the driver, what we instead need to do is identify the correct executable file on the CD, run it, and then it will install the driver. At the top level of the CD the folders are labeled "USB 7.1 Sound Card" and "WiFi Card", the correct choice here is "WiFi Card." Looking inside the "WiFi Card" folder are a few folders all labeled with numbers. Third, alas, these folder numbers bear no resemblance to any model number found printed on the device. There is a "ReadMe" file inside the "WiFi Card" folder that in an awkward format gives the correspondence between the folder number and the model number printed on the device. On the plastic wrapper my CD came in, there was also a small easily overlooked plain sticker that said "install path:RT3070." RT3070 was the folder I needed. Once the needed folder is identified, just double click the executable within, and then it installs the driver. 802.11N 150M Wi-Fi USB Adapter USB WIRELESS LAN Adapter(RT8188 Chipset)
This item works fine and is not difficult to install if you carefully follow the instructions. Other USB wireless products have drivers built into Windows. You install them just by plugging them in. This is very convenient for moving to different computers to get them on the internet quickly or to test something.
For this USB wireless card a custom driver with its own install is on a disk with the product. I have to save the disk in the box if I want to use this product on another computer. If I misplace the drivers, I'll have to search on the internet and spend a lot of time to get this thing working again. Odds are pretty good if I don't remember what I did to install or can't locate the box I'll just toss the thing and buy a new one. The inconvenience isn't worth the money saved over buying an inexpensive USB adapter that has the standard Windows driver treatment. It's not worth returning it, but I wouldn't buy another one.
It does work fine and I was able to install it without issues. The more standard options are just much more convenient and worth the extra $5.00 or $10.00.
I will just be honest. I was sort of skeptical about purchasing it considering the low price. but let me tell you----IT WORKS! I got this to make our desktop pick up our wireless signal, and it does just that. The signal is very strong. It looks sort of cheap, but dont let that fool you because it gets the job done. I did have a slightly hard time getting the software installed because it doesn't just install like other software(at least mine didn't). But once I did, I was satisfied. I really do recommend it!
Got this wireless adapter because I read it works with Linux. Read a review that "you just enter a syntax in the terminal and add rt2800usb in blacklist and it works great". Well it didn't work for me! Looked on youtube to find help. Here's what I found. ( by the way I run ubuntu 10.04 ) Go download "wireless windows drivers" from software center. Then open it up. Insert disk into cd rom. When disk's window pops up, open up Wifi card file. Then open up file that ends with "Driver". Then open file "Winxp". Drag the file ending with " .inf " into windows wireless drivers already opened window. It should ask if you want to install. Install it. Plug in card to usb port. Light should start blinking on your wireless adapter. If it does your good to go. If not then the .inf file is probably bad and you should contact provider for new disk or go to a web site where you can download drivers of the web. I hope this helps my fellow Linux users out there. Good luck!
This product works as advertised, but installing it (at least on my Windows machine) was pretty annoying. First it comes with a Mini CD that contains the firmware, which was a problem on my slot-loading machine. After pulling all the files off of that using my laptop, and transferring them to my desktop via flashdrive, I thought I was in business.... but not quite yet.
Windows doesn't automatically detect the firmware in the folder, so you need to find it yourself. First off, ignore the random Sound Card files Ralink saw fit to include on the same CD. I had luck going into the folder that had "RT3070" in the name (which seems like this version of the product, though actual labels are lacking on the device) and running the program within. Interestingly there are drivers for Mac OS and Linux within the same folder, so it looks like this can pretty easily be configured to work with those systems as well.
So now the product does work fine, but it took me some time to figure out how to get it to work. Still for the price can't complain too much.
We have tried to get this to work with our laptop several times. We have installed and uninstalled and re-installed the disk. It will not work. In my opinion, it seems something is not right with the installation disk. If at any point in time this changes, I will update my review. This is the first time ever that I have bought something from Amazon and been dissatisfied.
A bit large, but a usb cable solves that problem. Otherwise, it works just as well or better than a brand name usb adapter that I had purchased from a big retail store for nearly 10x the price. As others have mentioned, the driver installation can be "entertaining". My personal experience was that my laptop would not read the mini disk that the drivers came on, and Windows 7 could not find the proper driver on it's own. For future reference, the driver that you need is Realtek 8188CUS, available on the Realtek website and elsewhere. That being said, finding the driver and installing it was by no means difficult, and for anyone willing to take the little bit of time for that, I fully recommend this USB adapter! Saves a ton of money! - 80211n - Wireless Adapter - Usb Network Adapters'
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