These flags are useful for a variety of marking tasks, such as indicating important passages or places you want to copy. The flags apply easily and remove easily, just like regular Post-It Notes. I have left these flags on for a long period of time, perhaps as long as a year, and have seen no effect on the paper marked.
There are two difficulties with these flags. First, there are only four colors and if you need to do something like a term paper or other similar research where you need more than four categories, you have to add a designator to your flags. I have made a cross reference and indicated A on blue = Topic #1, B on yellow = Topic #2, C on red indicates Topic #3, etc. The other difficulty is that there is little room to write on these flags, so they are more useful for indicating than writing. I have also used regular Post-It notes as flags when I need to make a note about a particular passage.
These flags are also useful if you want to mark other things, such as unread books on the shelf, the location of various types of recipes, or to remind yourself that there is an item to be taken care of (such as flagging a tool that needs returned to the garage toolbox). You are limited only by your imagination.
I have one set of these flags available because even though I use them only occasionally they are very handy to have when I do need them. 3M also makes a variety of other flags and though I would probably use them from time to time, I have found that these flags and regular Post-It notes handle most of my routine needs. Post-it Small Flags in Dispensers, Four Colors, 35 per Color, 4 Dispensers per Pack (683-4 )
This is my favorite size post-it marker. I use them when I'm reading so that I can go back to passages that I want to remember or write down in my book journal. I mark passages that I want to copy or xerox. I use them for passages I want to read to my husband or use in class. Basically, they are good for everything book-related.
I have also used them to mark places on maps while I'm traveling. There are probably 100 other uses for them that I haven't even thought of but I'm never without them.
Thank you Post-it. These little things can be seen sticking all over the various books I like to start, but never finish. As a previous commenter states, they don't stick to the page and have had them in books for years, only to have them unstick and stick again with about half the sticking power as before. In other words, still useful after all that time. The only ink that the tip will hold is a sharpie. Pencil's are too hard to show through and gel pens will smear all over you when you eventually rub the thing while opening the book. I really like this size because it prevents me from having to cut the much wider ones in half. Due to my cheap-skatedness, I end up cutting these strips in half too (Cue rolling of eyes). I have one itty-bitty gripe about these things, and it's the very last strip that has this other non-stickable strip connected to it. Why?! Why not just make that strip stickable too? It's not like a roll of labels that start getting stripes on it to signal the end, or the beep on a printer as the ink nears it's end-life. Just put a little of that magic glue on the back of that thing and give us 36 per color! Yeah! Every time I pull out that last clear non-stickable, I'm forced to wonder why. Half the time I end up putting a tiny piece of scotch tape on the end of that bad boy and sticking on my book anyways, just out of principle. That being said, 35 per color is advertised, so 35 you shall get. I may have taken it too far. The bottom line is, these have become very helpful in my quest to finish at least half the books I start this year and are highly recommended.
I keep these in my desk for standard uses -- marking places in the phone book that I want to find easily, etc. I also bought a set for each of my twin 10-yr-old granddaughters. One got these primary colors and the other got the bright color dispenser. While they use them for the common purpose of flagging pages, they also use them on their computer screens to mark the exact place they need to hit again with the curser while playing PC games such as Nancy Drew (sometimes we have to use them to mark our place on a Nancy Drew cheat-sheet when we need a little extra help.) The dispensers are very handy, store conveniently and the flags pull out one at a time. - Reading Supplies - Labels - Sticky Notes'
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