VERY happy with this purchase. My son attends a gifted school, so while he is only in 3rd grade we are already in the advanced Math era. However, 9 yro boys are rough on all things paper, exclusive of intellect... this helps keep his binder neat and tidy. The paper is REALLY, REALLY WELL MADE. Nice, thick sheets and a VERY reinforced (it is lined outwardly with plastic on front and back... it's really great stuff!) margin. This paper will keep throughout the school year, and likely the summer beyond. Very pleased with this purchase. A good paper to buy for projects/assignments that must be kept, not necessarily worth it for daily homework use, however. Expensive, but worth it's cost in regards to specific purposes like Binder-keeping. Five Star Reinforced Filler Quad Paper 100 ct (17016)
I hate how ordinary graph paper seems thinner than regular notebook paper and perpetually tears, no more! This stuff has a decent plastic coating the entire length of the spine of the paper making it nearly impossible to rip through it while trying! I use it frequently for work and would not switch to anything else. The paper also has sufficient density so that I can write with liquid ink on it. It does not feel cheep in your hands.
This paper is great. The lines are light, not bold and blotted like many other papers.
The reinforced binding edge is the best feature though. This paper will not break out of your binder over the semester. All the regular "non-reinforced" paper will though.
It costs a little more for this paper... but if you are looking for something that will last, then the cost is a minor consideration.
This is just a pack of paper. It is good quality, but nothing spectacular. What I did find great was being able to order it online from Amazon instead of fighting the back to school crowds. I wasn't sure I'd get quality paper ordering online, but this is very good.'
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