Happy they finally released this series in full! Dvds come in sleeves, very cheap but no biggie. ***I paid [...] for the complete series*** Amazon has been switching the price from $68 to [...]. So wait it out if it's $68. I'm on season 3 right now, I miss these old plots and not all this new crap on csi with the same old story. The Commish is my favorite old time drama tv series. If you are thinking of buying yet never watched an episode, you will not be disappointed. RUN TIME is 73 hrs....enjoy! The Commish: The Complete Series
The fact that I finally have the ability to watch seasons 3 and 4 and the movies for The Commish almost makes up for the cruddy packaging...almost. Really Mill Creek? REALLY? I mean, I'm grateful they agreed to put out the series. I'm grateful its such an affordable cost, all things considered. I'm grateful I get to see episodes I'd thought lost to me forever. Heck, I'm even grateful there aren't a billion annoying extras I never watch anyway. But the little paper sleeves all stacked together in a pile so you have to sort through them to find the right episode is EXTREMELY annoying. Mill Creek, just FYI...I'd gladly have paid a bit extra for a better package. But the alternative is no Commish at all...so I guess I'll live with it. FYI to all: I hear Mill Creek is going to package ALL their sets like this so...just a heads up...
I have been waiting a long time for the complete series. I am happy it is finally here.
All 17 discs are in paper envelopes!!!! Bad! Very bad!!!!
I will be buying a cd wallet to store my DVDs in-
The picture isn't all that great on some of the episodes-
I wish they had spent a little more $ to make this a better product-
But I got my Commish, so I will take what I can get-
Did I mention I HATE the paper envelopes?????
*I have taken a picture of this DVD series and added it to the Amazon product images on this page*
I watched this show as a kid, and found seasons 1 and 2 on Netfilx to watch. My husband and I watched them and wished so much we could see the rest of the series. Now we finally can! We started over from the beginning and are almost done with season 2, and about to start season 3.
The only real mentionable flaw I have found so far is on disk one of season one. If you select "play all" at the menu instead of starting each episode manually, it actually starts you at the last episode of that disk instead of the first one. So I would suggest manually selecting each episode to watch, or you might find one out of order. They may even fix this flaw in the future, so it may not happen to everyone. I ordered this series the day it was released, so it may have been a mistake in the first batch that was produced.
The price on this items fluctuates a LOT right now. As many other reviewers have said, watch to see if you can pick it up on sale.
I was thrilled to find this complete series DVD-box with the reasonable price in Amazon. You can buy the separate seasons in stores but the total value of the series will then be more than this complete series -box.
I had not seen all the sesons of the Commish before, and therefore, it was really interesting to see how the character develops during the seasons. I think this was a great series and I wish that Michae Chiklis would come back to do some more similar series, like the Commish and the Shields.
I'm so happy that this fabulous early 90's TV series has finally been released as a complete boxed set. It's a detective drama with a definite twist. It's set in a small town, but definitely avoids the cuteness that might have befallen a show with Michael Chiklis' type of character. The crimes are solved every week with cleverness rather than violence, and we've never been disappointed with any episode.
Love it!
This is one great series that is both amusing and heartwarming. Highly recommended and you will not be disappointed with the acting and storylines. Of course, there is the quality of the images that are soft-- I wish they could be sharper but at least the complete series is here without waiting another 10 or 20 years. Here's what you get:
1. All 5 seasons of The Commish on 17 single-sided and episode labelled disks.
2. Paper sleeves in plastic case-- cheap, but it works for me and beats many of those hard plastic designs.
3. 73+ hours of great entertainment along with extras.
Not bad for about 30 dollars. If you enjoyed Michael Chiklis in The Shield, you'll love this as it is his younger time.
I am really glad to finally get all the seasons of The Commish, was beginning to think no more were going to be released. I had already bought Seasons 1 and 2, but I don't even care that I had to buy them all over again in this set. I do wish the other seasons had come out separately but I guess one can't have everything.
I have watched 2 disks so far, and the quality varies. Some shows look fairly sharp, and others look more like VHS instead of DVDs. So if you are looking for HD-quality, this set is not for you. If you just want to enjoy The Commish again, then get this set.
I love this series! It was unique for its time and even today it still holds up. The commish is both quirky and dramatic and yet for a crime fighting series it manages to be warm and family oriented. I am so happy to see it finally being released in a complete series pack! I have waited a long time to own this series and now at long last its almost here!
Finally available on DVD for an excellent price (though apparently it fluctuates a lot). Yes, it's a Mill Creek release with their standard paper envelopes. I like these actually because the case is less prone to "break" and create little plastic bits that can scrape the dvds.
Unfortunately, the video quality is pretty bad and appears equivalent to a VHS recording. But more annoying is that the first episode I watched on disc 1 was "edited." At the end of the episode Tony asks a bunch of suspects to "sing". I recall the original scene actually having them sing. Instead here it just jumps to him smiling and saying guys, escort these gentleman... etc... so their actual singing is "cut". Based on the number of discs and the number of episodes per disc, it's probably safe to say a lot of the episodes have bits and pieces cut out of them.
Oh well. We will probably never see a better release, so I guess we'll have to settle.
Despite all of this I'd still give it a 4/5 stars just because it's all the episodes of the Commish! Love it. - Boxed Set - Great Show - Tv Series - Dvd Set'
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