It is more convenient to use a detailed full screen mapping program like this than any internet map or hand held gps device when planning a route. It is not as convenient to use while driving unless a passenger is willing to hold your laptop or netbook, and you will need a compatible gps receiver like DeLorme's Earthmate to use your computer as a gps device.
This 2011 edition is not as updated as it should be. The last previous edition I own is 2003. I ordered but had to return Street Atlas 2008 because it was not at all updated in my town. The 2011 edition finally included my now 5 year old street, an extension of the 8 year old street that still wasn't on the 2008 version. Unfortunately, my part of the street is just named Local or Rural Road, as are some of the other streets in my neighborhood. A major connecting road in my town is still only drawn for half of its three mile length, even though I emailed DeLorme about that omission back in 2008. Also, two streets in my development are misspelled, leading to search problems that had to be worked around by correcting the spelling in the search window. Since they pride themselves in using their own maps, DeLorme has to take responsibility for errors and omissions. My little TomTom GPS that is now over a year old has more up to date maps.
This is the first time I bought the Plus version, which gives the added ability to find 120 million businesses and people, which it will map to various degrees of accuracy. Some of my friends and family it had, others it didn't. As with my TomTom, it is sometimes so far off that you will not be able to find your point of interest without asking a local for help. The included phone book in the Plus version, however, gives you the address to work with and thus another way to program your destination and find it on your own using either Street Atlas or your small GPS device.
Overall, Street Atlas is an easy to use program for planning routes and a good supplement to the window mounted gps that I travel with. Each fills in the blanks in the other. When I last traveled through a wildlife refuge, my TomTom showed none of the unnamed streets that crossed each other. Street Atlas showed all of the roads so that I could navigate.
Netbook owners can use your desktop computer to transfer the DVD's to a flash drive that you can then attach to your netbook for program installation. Alternately, you can also download the program through DeLorme for List Price. Street Atlas USA 2011 Plus
I have used MS Street and Trips for years but thought I would try Street Atlas USA 2011 Plus. I installed the software and searched for my suburban residential home which is 17 years old. The Street Atlas USA search couldn't even find my street much less my house number even though I could scroll the map and view my street. As a second test, I searched for my daughter's 35 year old suburban residential home and Street Atlas USA placed it about a half mile from the actual location. Now, MS Streets and Trips may have problems in outlying areas and with a couple of towns having very unusual addresses, but finding basic addresses such as mine or my family's has not been an issue. I had hoped Delorme would be a step up from Microsoft or, at least, on par. I was not expecting such a step backwards.
We are long users of Street Atlas. As a full-time RVer, we use multiple map programs, but keep coming back to Street Atlas for most of our use. After several years, we decided it was time to upgrade. Larger type makes it easier for the "Navigator" to read while traveling. We particularly like the split screen with up close and higher level showing at the same time -- easier to understand what is ahead. The Radar feature allows us to be aware of upcoming locations on our designated path. Just a well designed map program. With this version, we did find that set-up is much easier if you use the DeLorme brand GPS plugged into the USB port. That unit also seems to find satellites faster.
We've used DeLorme for years, and have seen the changes come and go. While this product is a bit more complicated to get used to than other mapping software, it's EXCELLENT for mapping out a route, getting information on places, finding how long to get somewhere, and changing routes.
I just got back from a 12,000 mile trip around the country using De Lorme Street Atlas Plus and the GT-40 as my GPS, and I was able to navigate easily in the mountains, downtown city areas, and around the country. I could change my route as I went and be rerouted around the massive flooding in Memphis, TN area. Asking it to "find" rest areas, truck stops, restaurants along my route was simple and accurate. "Find" an address is simple to use, and has always found "the place" accurately for me.
Since I travel with a tablet notebook it's easy to just load up Street Atlas and be off on my trips. I also like the fact that they upload changes in roads rapidly, AND they ask for input on road changes or mistakes from the users. Love the voice activated for traveling alone, too.'
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