I was a little skeptical this game would live up to the hype. Then some diminished reviews came around and I was already feeling a let down. Where could they go wrong? Was my thoughts. Well that didn't stop me from purchasing this game. After 30 minutes I was blown away. All skepticism was gone and I was in Gamer Heaven.
Let me start off from the beginning. Yes there is a plot twist and it's pretty bizarre. Just think that your watching a Michael Crichton movie and it will make sense. Playing in the Middle East several hundred years ago is a different idea. It's hard to say what you could expect with this concept.
So what makes this game amazing. Lets start off with the landscape. It's brilliant and beautiful...Really majestic. You don't understand the scope of this game until you start playing. The world is surrounded by several small villages and three large cities. The only way to travese this open terrain with a horse. Fortunately they are about as easy to find as a car in todays society.
What also sets this game apart is the ability to do what you want when you want. There is no clock on you and your not stuck going into a mission. Everything is open based. The character is amazingly fun to control you can scale tall buildings and make amazing leaps of faith. Climbing up a building that is several stories and then leaping to certain doom is breathtaking excitement. This is what games should be about.
Beyond that is a mission based game. Similiar to Grand Theft Auto in style. You can accept simple missions like pickpocketing and protecting citizens to the more main based assasin missions. You can battle soldiers if you want as you have many enemies but it's not really advised. Following the assasin missions can be complex and involve several steps that make the story very intresting. Obviously a lot of time was put into making this top notch.
For anyone who likes open based games with large environments then Assassins Creed is for you. From the majestic peaks to the clustered cities. This is trully a next gen experience. The storyline and incentive program will keep you playing for many hours. Definately a worthwhile gameplay experience. If you want something to keep you busy that doesn't involve guns go out and get Assasins Creed. Assassin's Creed
First of all let me say, Ubi has laid down the foundation for great things in the future. If this is the direction games are heading, they are going to be amazing in the near future.
Having said that though, I must say that although this game is amazing for the first few hours of play, its repetative nature begins to wear on you after a little bit.
The controls, gameplay and general feel of the game are very good. But completing basically the same missions over and over begins to tarnish this game. It's the same folks that have to be rescued, the same style of fighting, and the same basic solutions to all the missions.
I would recommend renting this game rather than buying, because once you finish the game, I can see where there is no value for playing it again.
The graphics are some of the best I have seen to date, and there are some really neat features that could be used for later games.
As I said before, Ubisoft has really started something wonderful with this game, I just hope they continue to build on this base and really open up the world of gaming. They just seemed to miss the curve, (slightly) with this release.
Echoing the sentiment of other reviewers, I was also concerned about the professional reviews concerning this game, having anticipated it for so long. My fears were eased, however, right after I popped the disk in.
Again, as it's been said here, I really enjoyed the flow of the character and the freedom this game gives you. It's a perfect blend of an open world without leaving you lost to figuring out where to go next.
The learning curve is high, but the game slowly introduces you to new moves within each mission, which are enough to complete them, but leaves room for improvement as you become more proficient.
The story line is good and I didn't mind so much the sci-fi twist about which most are complaining. It's a good break from the intensity of the game and it adds a personal connection to the ancient character through his descendant in the present.
The game saves are excellent. For the most part you won't find yourself having to redo several missions in the event that you die. There are plenty of checkpoints throughout the game to keep the game flowing and non-repetitive.
Lastly, the world Ubi has created in this game is simply phenomenal! Hats off to the design team. The amount of detail is just outstanding on each street, building, market, character, and everything else you'll find in this game.
The idea of accomplishing side missions add a greater dimension to the game, but, unfortunately, they get repetitive pretty quickly.
Some of the things you can do are eavesdrop, pickpocket, or save a person from being harassed by the local guards (there are others), but once you get the hang of each one, they're pretty much the same thereafter.
The fight sequences are fun and can be tense enough, but similarly lack a bit of diversity. I hope they get a little more challenging and technical as I acquire new weapons and progress in the game.
Now, to explain the title of my review (this is not a con, just an observation), I was a bit surprised with the main character Altair.
I got a feel from the previews, for some reason, that I would be dealing with a cool and calculated assassin who kills to rid the world in which he lives of evil people (a little theatrical, I know). However, my first impression was of a reckless, spoiled, somewhat-messed-up-in-the-head newbie killer who let his skills go to his head and now is forced to redeem himself.
Overall, I really enjoy playing this game and hope Ubi continues to produce other titles using this engine and creating such wonderful virtual worlds. - Ubisoft - Assassins Creed - Video Games - Kickass Games'
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