Amazon made a mistake and put down that this version is for the Macintosh OS X operating system in addition to Windows. That is not the case. Activision does not release games on the MAC platform. They work with other, third party companies to do so. Aspyr is the company that makes Call of Duty on the Mac. Search for games by Aspyr and you'll find it there.
Just an FYI so Mac users don't buy the wrong game. Call of Duty Deluxe Edition
First of all let me just say that I have both this game and the Medal of Honor war chest. These are two fantastic FPS in the WWII campaign where allied forces are supposed to kick ass. On to COD now.
1 - Plot line: It is interesting to play 3 different campaigns, with the yanks, the brits and the soviets. However, you shift back and forth in the campaigns, making you lose track of where, in history, you are. If you were to follow a single squad from all the way until the fall of Berlin, in 3 different story lines that you could choose from, it would be more envolving. Nevertheless, this games wins to MOH in this respect.
2 - The endless ammo problem. Now, can somebody tell the developers of these games that even MG42 needed reloading at some point? This is crucial when you want to attack a german position that is held by MG42 since you either hit the guy behind the gun with a single shot or you'll be minced meat trying to do it. This was somewhat fixed in the expansion pack (the Bastogne campaign) but only on your side: the german MG42 keep pounding while you have to reload yours. A bit unfair...
3- The graphics: simply amazing. Good quality renderings of the buildings, explosions, soldiers, tanks. Very good quality.
If you enjoyed MOH, you'll enjoy this a lot more!
I bought this game after seeing all the hype of it's successor COD2. I have periods that come and go where I want to play a good FPS that is usually based on WW2.
I was, and am, still a big fan of Hidden and Dangerous2 which was not only an excellent single player game, but had a fun multiplayer. Alas, in the recent year or so the numbers have dwindeled except for the early hours since the game was very popular in Europe.
So I bought this game with high hopes to be the replacement for H&D2. Well, I have to say that it has really met my hopes and expectations. The action is very intense, and the sounds of the various weapons are very accurate(except the .45 pistol, IMHO)
It's good to see a game where the MG 42 both sounds and fires like it really did.
You really get a feeling that you are not the star of the show, but just another grunt in the thick of the war. There are random shellings that could possibly kill you even though you have defeated the enemy that was around you. The game does a great job at making you feel like you are there, and the actions of your fellow soldiers doesn't feel artificial. Some will charge in and shoot the enemy, possibly getting mowed down. Others will take up a defensive position, while others try to guard your flanks. (or rears, lol)
The multiplayer is the best I've experienced in a WW2 shooter thus far. The servers are packed with tons of people that you can join in with for deathmatch, team deathmatch, and a bunch of other styles of play.
Graphically, the game really shines. The only gripe I have is that you can't really damage your surroundings. I want to be able to shoot out lights, blow down doors, and take a chunk out of a building with a panzerfaust. Other than this, there are no complaints.
Even though it's successor is now on the scene, please don't think this is a second rate game. It is a great game, and it is a great deal of fun for the money. The current price is sweet!
I recently (May 2006) bought Call of Duty + United Offensive Deluxe set for $30.00. I have played Battlefield 1942 + Road to Rome and Special Weapons for over a year. I recently also acquired Vietnam Redux and have enjoyed that - (although the constant repetitive lines such as: "Draw back, we're taking hits!" gets a bit annoying after awhile). I only play offline and I don't want foul language or extreme gore. And although I really like BF, my 4 biggest complaints with BF would be: the lack of destructible surroundings; the long time to spawn once killed; the lack of armored vehicles, tanks or planes on many occasions, and your incompetent AI comrades which often get in your way.
So after watching a trailer on the COD game I decided to buy it. I was greatly surprised by the action, the intensity and the visual/audio quality of this game. I really like the variety of missions it offers including ship sabotage, blowing up dams, storming and holding various buildings, rescuing captured officers, taking out flak guns, etc. The Russian soldiers arriving in Stalingrad by boat and the attempt to take Red Square is amazing! You really get a sense of the fear and chaos of men arriving in the middle of a war. I love the background noise and voices of the soldiers and the real-like interaction of the soldiers - both friends and enemies. When I throw a grenade I can hear the Germans shouting out "grenade!!!" My AI buddies shout a warning to me if a Kraut should throw one our way - which they often do! This type of interaction never happens in BF. In general the AI comrades and enemies act intelligently.
There is an introduction training-boot camp lesson to help you learn about body movements and weapon types and controls. There are 37 intense single player missions! With 3 different levels of difficulty. The healing packs are ok, but I wish that self-healing could also take place when one is at rest. Some of the surroundings are destructible and at time doors or gates that are closed will open (or get blow open) with a blaze of gun fire! It also has a nice balance between your participation and that of your AI comrades.
My biggest complaint with COD is the difficulty most of the times in discerning my comrades from the enemy. The clothing is often too similar. At times I have killed one of my own buddies and at other times not shot, thinking it was my buddy, only to be killed by a kraut! If you aim your weapon directly at a person some light indicator will show him as an ally - yet often you don't have time to go through this process. Perhaps this confusion is meant to exist since friendly-fire is a real part of war. It really bites though when you only have one or two buddies left in a tight situation and you inadvertently waste one or both! Also I would have liked to see the Kraut ship we planted explosives on blow up as we were making our escape and the dam do likewise. Access to tanks and other armored vehicles would also be a big plus.
I have accomplished the American and British missions and I am half way through the Russian mission - I can't wait to play United Offensive and I will be buying COD 2. I'll also have fun replaying these missions over again on different levels. I am also looking forward to the release of the Company of Heroes I've seen that it will have surroundings that are totally destructible! Will it have a good number of single player missions? Access to armored vehicles? Smart AI buddies and enemies? Teen rating? Time will tell.
I definitely would encourage anyone who enjoys a variety of intense, action-packed infantry battles to get COD. - Shooter - Pc Game - World War Ii - Fps'
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