Firtst of all, When I ordered this item I assumed it was going to be a blue viynl covered cast iron kettlebell. What I receieved was an all cast iron black kettlebell, nothing like the picture at all, not sure why? The kettlebell arrived a little scratched on the handle bar area but mostly it is in ok shape. It seems heavy for a 10 pounder but I suppose I'm not used to lifting weights. The kettlebell is pretty comfortable to handle and seems easy to use. It has a smooth finish and feels nice to the touch.All in all I am happy with it even though its not the same as the picture. CAP Barbell 10 -Pounds Kettlebell
Great exercise tool. I especially like the wide handle of this kbell. (I have 5 kbells in different weights and the wide-handled bells are the easiest to switch from hand to hand.) I also like that this bell is one solid unit and not filled with sand. The bell has a shiny finish; you won't get iron-colored marks on your hands from using it.
A few reviewers stated that the kbell in the photo isn't the one they received. Amazon must have recently changed the photo to show a black kbell. The black is what was shipped to me so you, too, should receive it.
The image for this product is incorrect. There is no coating of any type, it is simply a cast iron kettlebell.
Otherwise, it's a good kettlebell.
My only complaint is that because it has no coating, some moves are a little uncomfortable as the kettlebell rests on my wrist. If purchasing again, I would purchase one with coating on it to address that issue.
I love the kettlebell. I teach Zumba and get my cardio workouts that way, along with great muscle tone, but I was looking for something else. One of my students suggested the kettlebell. I thought...oh sure another toy to add to my collection of workout items.
However, this was AWESOME! I ordered the Jillian Micheals DVD work out with the kettlebell and really loved how my entire body was engaged from holding this bell.
I have been raving about the kettlebell and telling everyone in my classes that they MUST try one!
I am new to Kettlebell workouts so this Kettlebell works for now, but I will definitely upgrade to something different. The images presented by the seller misrepresented the product and were not accurate to the item that actually was sold to me. I was hoping to receive one just like this but one that had a rubberized handle and/or base. If you intend to do push-ups with this particular Kettlebell, it is impossible because the handle is too narrow and the base (because it is metal) slips on any surface.
This model works fine for 90% of my Kettlebel workout. But, I would recommend something with a wider handle, adjustable weights, and softer/rubberized handle or casing.
The picture I see is a black kettlebell with no vinyl coating. That is the product that I received. There may have been an older picture, but they have changed it since then. I like this kettlebell it is solid and sturdy. The handle is wide enough for me to fit both my hands in it. I noticed that a previous poster said the handle wasn't that wide. Also the bottom is flat so if you order two you can certainly do push ups with it. It doesn't skid around on the ceramic floor or carpet that I use. I would recommend this kettlebell to others. It does feel lighter than 10lbs, but I've picked up other 10lb kettlebells and they are the same weight. I think if it feels too light that's because you need to move to a heavier kettlebell.
I really liked the kettlebell. It gives me a great workout. However, the only draw back was receiving a black kettlebell instead of the red one I thought I was receiving. Be truthful, it you only have black. Change the picture to a black kettlebell. - Fitness - Weights - Exercise - Jillian Michaels'
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