These smoothies are decent but this book is not what I was hoping for. After reading reviews on these smoothies, I thought the smoothies would be more nutritionally sound. These recipes are not energy boosting for people who have intense workouts and need energy/electrolytes as well as a good recovery drink. If this is what you're looking for, then I suggest getting the book Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life. I have this book and it's awesome but I just wanted more smoothies and recovery drink recipes. Easy Raw Smoothies does not provide such recipes.
One more note, I'm not a big fan of celery and almost every recipe in this book calls for celery or bananas. I was also surprised to see that the energy workout smoothie just called for water as opposed to young coconut water which actually does give you energy and helps to replace electrolytes. Kristen Suzanne's EASY Raw Vegan Smoothies, Juices, Elixirs & Drinks: The Definitive Raw Fooder's Book of Beverage Recipes for Boosting Energy, ... or Cutting Loose... Including Wine Drinks!
Wow, another great book by Kristen. I would have to say this is one of my favorite books. Since moving towards a high raw all vegan lifestyle smoothies and juices have become a daily part of my menu. I love that you can throw everything into your trusty little blender and whip up a very nutritious and great tasting drink (or meal). It's one of my favorite ways to consume green powder (I get all the benefits, but not the taste). They're great to travel with too. I love the Spicy Sunrise and Spumoni Dessert Smoothie's and the Rockin' Maca Chocolate Shake and the Caramel Chocolate Shake. For anyone who misses their daily latte/coffee than you have to try the My Mocha Latte Fix. It's just blissful.
She also includes plant bloods (juices), elixirs and wine drinks. There are so many to choose from and each is filled with different ingredients that offer a wide range of health benefits. I've always made the standard green juice until I received this book. I was always a little unsure as to what combinations would taste good. Now I have so many to choose from; like the Super Disco Green Juice, Italian Stallion (sorry ladies, it's only a drink), Citrus Zing Elixir, Romantic Clove Elixir and I can't forget the Sassy Strawberry Aperitif (wine drink).
This would make a great gift to anyone who is trying to get their friends or family to add some healthier foods into their diets. I've even got my sister making smoothies and adding in green powder for her and her family. She couldn't believe that my niece and nephew drank the entire smoothie and asked for more.
This book really offers so many great tasting milks, smoothies, juices, elixirs and drinks. It's like having your own juice bar right at home.
Cheers and Bottoms Up!
Kristen's Easy Raw Vegan Smoothies, Juices, Elixirs and Drinks gets 2 thumbs up. Oh my goddess...I found so many wonderful fruit AND veggie smoothie recipes. I am really trying to find more smoothie/soup type recipes. You can NEVER have too many veggies in your system. Period. With recipes like Beauty and the Beast, Love Nest Maca Smoothie, and island Oasis Girl. you will honestly get get bored with these recipes and there are SO many other ways to mix and match em!! And another thing I love about Kristen's books are that she always starts off with her Raw Basics chapter. She includes answers about why you should go raw and the top tips for storing and keeping produce. This book is loaded with information and tips all throughout it! I really want to try the Cinnamon Pecan Milk with some dried figs next week for dessert! yummmmmmmm Trust me, if you wanna shake things up this summer and are looking for very ORIGNIAL tasty smoothie recipes that you can make in a cinch, grab a copy of this book. You will NOT be sorry that you did!
Everr since going raw, a green smoothie has become part of my morning ritual and, truthfully, I don't feel quite right if I don't start the day with a giant smoothie. But I tend to stick to my same smoothie routine, which varies somewhat, but probably not enough. I love this book! It has some great recipes to help me break up my routine. I must admit, though, that using the term 'blood' to refer to juices and smoothies, sort of freaks me out. But getting past that, the recipes are outstanding. I particularly like the Moroccan Beach Sunset - awesome combination of flavors. The Spicy Sunrise Smoothie is great as well. I do like jalapenos in my smoothies, but I don't usually think to use cilantro and basil and it's really good. I've just recently gotten back into juicing, so I really love the juice recipes, since here again I kind of stick to the same routine. This is another great book from Kristen, complete with detailed instructions and helpful tips. Very useful for those new to raw food and those who aren't so new! I know I'm going to get alot of use out of this book and it's going to have lots of dog-eared pages!
This book is an introduction to those new to raw food eating. I took a quick count of the recipes which number 91 or so which provide an interesting offering of easy, fun new recipes for the reader to explore. The author's intent of the writing is to keep it simple, affordable and easy for the user to create raw smoothies, juices, elixirs and drinks. Tips for equipment to make the creations,some brief definitions of commonly encountered terms when entering the raw food realm such as yacon syrup, rapadura,agave nectar, food preparation steps and a brief guidance at the beginning of each chapter help the reader gain a comfort in approaching raw food diet and begin taking comfortable steps away from a more traditional diet. Her chapters, Raw Basics, Smoothies, Nut/Seed Milks and Shakes, Plant Blood, Elixirs and Wine Drinks all are easily followed by the newcomer and the tastes created from the recipes will delight and surprise.
Recipes that include: Liquid Salsa,Strawberry-Banana Jump Start, Luscious Pear,Vanilla Kiwi, Sweet Tart Herb, Pineapple Mango Colada,Chocolate Nut Milk, Cinnamon Pecan Milk, Caramel Chocolate Shake,Itallion Stallion,Super Disco Green Juice,Straight Up Carrot Celery Combo juice,Power Energy Elixir,Sweet Mint Relaxer Elixir are but a few of the recipe choices available.
This book is not written to be the "end all" resource but a gentle beginning and support to anyone looking to create a more lively, vibrant life with the support of a nutritious, energy boosting dietary regimen.
Great recipe ideas to consider and enjoy for raw food veterans as well! - Juicing - Raw Food - Raw Vegan - Smoothies'
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