I've beat this game and I can say that it takes quite a bit of departure from Killzone 2. Killzone 3 contains more cutscenes, better graphics, and more options to take down the Helghast. The story line is top notch and I can say it is going to be my favorite game for quite a while!
Everything included in the Helghast Edition is of great quality and attention to detail (especially in the Helghast helmet) is what makes this edition worth it in the end. I really enjoyed the soundtrack but I feel like it is incomplete in regards to the best music from the game. I've always considered the Killzone series to have some of the best music so I was a little disappointed.
All in all I recommend any Killzone fan to pick up the Helghast edition, although as long as you get the game you'll have tons of fun! Killzone 3: Helghast Edition
The game is awesome. The multiplayer is good, although could be amazing if they included the ability to create custom matches from day 1 (a patch is said to be on the way to allow for that, like KZ2), and if they gave us back the ability to create multiple spawn points, including being able to spawn off the squad leader. They made the multiplayer more like COD, which isn't bad, but is a huge step down from KZ2 experience.
The helmet, while plastic, is very detailed and I think is pretty sweet.
The art book is put together wonderfully. There are concepts of pretty much everything you could want. And the background of the pages has like a glossy holographic effect to them with a design. Pretty cool.
The figure is one of a kind. Very detailed as well.
The Super Voucher is awesome. It is included inside the case with the manual and SOCOM 4 Beta Code. I got online at noon on release day, used my double xp with voucher, and played until 4am the next morning! I ranked all the way to Colonel 1. You could probably get further than me, as I'm not the best FPS player. I have over 50 career unlocks to use after the xp and access to all weapons expires. The double xp is the best part of the voucher, without a doubt. It says the super voucher retails for $60, so it's like getting the book, helmet, and figure for free. If you look at it that way. The dynamic theme is a killzone 3 helghast theme really. Thought it would be more animated, but its cool. No way to really describe it. I might post a video, if it dosn't infringe on copyright or something.
If you are a killzone fanatic, no doubt you will love this.
If you are a casual fan, you will love it too.
It really is a great package. And with the voucher, makes it worth every penny. My psn is steelerguy24 if anyone wants to play killzone 3.
What can I say that others have not. You have the specs:
*Super Voucher - Soundtrack, Theme, 2 maps (Retro), Behind the scenes video, and all the 24hour unlocks (All digital in 1 code) Also note that the 24hour bonuses expire to the exact moment you entered the code. Enter it at 1pm today it expires 1pm tomorrow. Do not waste it.
*Killzone 3 Artbook (Hardcover)
*Killzone 3 Cloaking Marksmen (Covered only in plastic with no bubble wrap/Killzone 3 display box for you Mint Collectors)
*Killzone 3 Helghast Helmet (Can hold at best 2 PS3 games like Killzone 2 and 3) No the eyes DO NOT light up
If you don't have a good online connection I can not recommend this edition. This is a great collection don't get me wrong, but without a stable connection you cant download half of the goodies and cant access half of this game. The game is a longer and improved Single Player game with Co-Op options but you are fooling yourself if you convince yourself that the online portion is nothing special; on the contrary.
The game has 3 game modes and several objectives in almost every game mode, excluding Guerrilla Warfare which is a simple game of kill all that stands. Capturing points, accumulating kills, transporting items, surviving and mastering your class are the main key elements of the online multiplayer. Find what you are good at and stick with it; most likely you will have a good time when you play with what you are most comfortable with.
Do not be afraid to die. Newbies always die when they get used to a game. Ride it out for about an hour, and when you understand everything you will find yourself enjoying the online portion of the game more than the Single Player portion.
This game does have a nice story that continues 6 months into the future and flashbacks right to the point of the KillZone 2 ending bridging what happened between then and now (Almost. Minus the 6 months in between surviving).
At the end it is known that the story will continue, so if you are hoping for this to be the last of the series to make this Edition have more meaning, then I have to break it to you; it isn't.
This edition is for the fans that want some great display pieces, a well done artbook and a bunch of digital content and a 24hour edge. Is it a worth your money? Absolutely if you intend to use everything in it (like most things, why pay for more if you wont use most of it). This edition was for me because the Helmet was sizable and a great display piece, the Sniper is also another display piece of mine, and the Soundtrack I ported and burned onto a CD for a hardcopy just in case my PS3 died, and to listen to in my CD Player versus the PS3. I liked the artbook but I like it better on the computer and as a hardcopy since I like tinkering with concepts. The maps and 24hour bonuses were something that just sweetened the deal and made my 1st day of playtime very easy; the maps added replayablity (but what new maps dont?).
Figure it this way, the game at its lowest price is half of what a new game costs; fine. The Helmet and Figure are both sizable, unique, and it can not be obtained separately. The look of the Helmet and Figure is also detailed and is a fine display; and like other display items you get them because they look great and they have a long shelf life.
For the price, what I have to say is what should be remembered for all purchases (As it is for all my purchases); Its only a waste of money if I buy it and never use it.
Most people buy the stand alone because they have no desire for the rest of the extra goodies in this edition. For a collector its something that has a lot of substance to it. Its not a cheap looking edition, and the price reflects it.
If you are still on the fence about it, my only other advice is look up unboxing's on youtube.com for an idea of what it is. Made me want it more. If youtube is not your thing then maybe you need to look for pictures. This edition was put together very well, and is third only to the European Edition which got a Steel Game Case versus the Standard Case in North America, or the Limited Collector's Edition which can not be bought; with the only difference being the outer box art and the Helghast Helmet having LED glowing eyes.'
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