These reels are nice for those that want a good real but don't want to pay the big bucks for the extra stuff that only the true pros can enjoy about a reel. The discs are large enough to take a strong run yet still smooth under load. The handel is crank mounted so there no added play to worry about. It's also quite easy to switch RL. It's a long stroke for more line with a smoother cast.
I have been useing their 6730 (small) for quite a while for every kind of fish I can catch in my part of the world. The most impressive was a 6.65 lb large mouth I hooked on 4lb test in less then 4 feet of water near some fell trees. As soon as I felt the pull I knew I had a nice one. This was a true real world test of the drag and line feed. It took me nearly ten minutes to get it In while chaseing it in the jhon boat. It took some vary strong and sudden runs (you know what I'm talking about), but the real handeled nicely and was smooth the whole time. I was actually crappy fishing and got a nice bass by mistake. Ultralight gear all around and was not setup to catch this fish but did thanks to this reels smooth and simple operation.
The larger 6735 I have has yet to let me down bass, cat or carp fishing. Catching fish well over the 5, 8 and 12 pound mark off the same real. Pflueger President Spinning Reel, 115-Yards/9-Pound Clam
I am somewhat of a "gear junkie" and like most guys I really enjoy getting a new toy so with that thought in mind I set out to the store to buy a new reel.I have tried reels from almost every manufacturer and over the years I have settled on Shimano as the only brand I can always depend on to get the job done.Just about any reel will work if you are fishing for trout or other smaller fish but when you are going after a larger more powerful fish like steelhead or chinook salmon you need a reel that can handle the powerful runs of these fish. Feeling it was time for a new "toy" I set out for the sporting goods store to buy a new Shimano reel.While looking over the selection I got to talking with one of our local fishing guides who takes clients on some of the bigger rivers in this area to catch Coho and Chinook Salmon and he recommended the Plueger President. I was somewhat sceptical since I have tried reels from all the big names and have been disappointed in the performance of all of them except Shimano but he said the Pflueger President was the reel he has on all of his rods and that they perform flawlessly.
After carefully examining the reel and testing its operation as much as can be tested in the store with no load on it I decided to give the Plueger a try. The first time out I hooked a nice Coho and the fight was on. The reel was very smooth and the drag system worked flawlessly.I landed the fish and Pflueger landed me as new fan of their products.
I still enjoy using my Shimano reels but I find myself picking this reel more and more often when I head out.
The only flaw I have seen is in the handle which seems to somehow unscrew itself while in use. This is not a problem if you just check it occasionally while you are fishing but you need to be aware that this is a possibility and make sure it is screwed on tight.
The Pflueger 6725 is an excellent ultra-light reel. I recently had the opportunity to go trout fishing on a private lake for some Nice cutthroat trout fishing and test my new reel in the field. I mated my Pflueger reel with a St.Croix Triumph series TRS56ULF2 5'6" Ultra-light 2 piece rod. The system is balanced nicely and you can cast all day with minimum arm fatigue. The Reel, with is 10 bearing configuration is butter smooth and the drag adjustment is precise in micro increments that is reliable to accommodate light 2 lb. test line with assurance. Also the color combinations are pleasing to the eye. Great Reel for the money!
After I bought this reel I took it out to the river and began catching 10-14 inch Smallmouth which this reel handled with ease. Great reel, worth the extra money! I am very pleased with it and I am planning on buying a 2nd one.
Solid construction, quality materials, smooth spin action combine to make this premium feeling reel for the price that is easy to justify. If you are looking for a spinning reel for occasional fishing trip, like I did, this is it. It sure feels that it will easily last few decades with minimal maintenance. Looking forward to casting with it once more as soon as winter ice thaws around Chicago. - Spinning Reel - Spinning Reels - Shimano - Abf-90'
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