I've been reading Maxim since about issue #3. I used to really enjoy the magazine: their witty remarks and interviews with the monthly babes and product reviews were both entertaining and interesting. However, I'm now letting my subscription run out. Maxim has went through something like 3 editors since I've been reading and the magazine is getting progressively worse.Maxim used to taste test microwave and fast food-type items and give them real, insightful ratings/reviews...things like pizza rolls, pizza pockets, etc. Now there's a fictional person named Hiroki, who does tests on stupid foods. So instead of "One tester said, 'Red Barron pizza had a crispy crust, but was a bit greasy,'" we're left with "Hiroki said the edible panties, 'Taste like chicken. Yum.'"Another area where Maxim disappoints is in the number of advertisements. The magazine is now significantly thicker and stuffed with ads. In fact, I have ripped the first 10 pages or so out of my last several issues because those first 10 pages are all advertisements!Maxim also puts a lot of emphasis on their women, who have decreased in quality (read: not as good looking). They do some heavy duty tweaking on the computer too; all of the models look like their skin is made of polished copper.Maxim has called me no less than 4 times to get me to renew my subscription...I HATE telemarketers! The last time they called I finally asked to be removed from their calling list. They have been sending me "this is your last chance to renew letters" for about 4 months. Great, more junk mail.Don't get me wrong, Maxim isn't a terrible magazine, but I don't think it's worth subscribing to anymore. You might want to stick to buying it on an issue-by-issue basis, or get the old issues from your friend. Save your subscription money for something else. Maxim (1-year auto-renewal)
Maxim rode the men's magazine gold rush in the late 1990s, leading Stuff, FHM and a host of other PG-13 fare that filled the convenience store racks as Playboy, Penthouse and the hard cores were either dropped completely or were tucked behind the clerk hidden behind individual black plastic wrappers.
Maxim is the last Laddie still in print in the U.S., having witnessed the print burials for FHM (1996 to 2007) and Stuff (1998 to 2007). Maxim's putrefaction is evident to its subscribers, hence the heavily discounted subscriber rates available today. If you were unfortunate enough to receive a gift subscription to Maxim or, worse yet, bought one for yourself, you can no doubt bear witness to the decay. The magazine simply isn't interesting or compelling to read. You could find more of everything - women, entertainment, food and fashion - in a 10-minute Google search.
Ask yourself, why are you buying a men's magazine?
Want to admire beautiful women? Choose Playboy or Penthouse.
Want to stay healthy and fit? Choose Men's Health (preferred) or Men's Fitness (for younger audiences).
Want to peruse fashion and lifestyle? Choose Esquire or GQ (beware the cologne samples though).
Want a little of everything? Choose Details or Men's Journal.
Pick any of the above options, especially if you are buying a gift subscription. Just avoid Maxim.
I've been a loyal subscriber since 1998 and have always enjoyed the magazine. Something happened to them in early 2006 - they've either been bought or have hired a new editor / staff or something. This magazine is absolutely terrible now. All ads, fewer and fewer pictures of babes in each issue, and the hilarious articles are now long gone. My last two issues (Sept and Oct) were in the trash within minutes of pulling them from my mailbox. I'm canceling my subscription.
Once upon a time this was a good magazine worth reading cover to cover. Unfortunately they've slowly been replacing content with more and more advertising. As the magazine currently stands you could probably finish reading the actual "content" in about an hour. The rest is advertising and BS. This magazine jumped the shark a long long time ago. Just let it die already like it's supposed to.
...1) I can't;
2) on second thought, it deserves at least one star for having some silly, funny stuff that you don't find in other magazines.
That said, it is grossly overrated. How is it consistently in the top sellers list? Well, there are as many millions of folks with a below average IQ as there are above average. It's too bad they can't play up the silly humor a bit more while leaving the abhorrent juvenileness out. The images are generally trashy and sometimes airbrushed to the point that it looks fake and ridiculous--they could improve the quality of the photos a LOT.
Admit it, you would probably hide an issue if you ran into anyone you actually respected. Doesn't that say it all? Reconsider the standards you are setting for yourself, and respect your own brain, too.
I honestly can't find a better magazine for men. Maxim takes into account the third-grade like attention span of most men, and combines it with the imaturity of what seems to be an all-men publishing force. While it may seem Maxim is marketed to the single man, I've found that most girlfriends and wives enjoy this magazine as well. The pictorials are decent enough not to embarass you on and airplane, and the articles contain enough substance to make you laugh, and intrigue you. In reality, if your life consists of middle-management, beer, and an interest in the pursuit of meaningless information, this magazine is for you!
I thought the original goal of Maxim was the be the next GQ, but with more skin and less pretense. The skin is there (and, no, guys don't care about the software editors use to enhance the models), but the substance is not.Like every other checkout stand mag, ads now fill the lion's share of Maxim's pages. Reviews are more and more insipid, covering things many men probably don't care about. The humor is still respectable for the crowd it's aimed at.I guess Maxim is the magazine for guys who can't read.... or need a hipper supplement to whatever nude mags litter their desks. Bottom line: if you want a skin mag, go with Maxim, but be aware that the level of wit and intelligence is declining all around. - Adult - Maxim Magazine Reveiw - Mens Magazine - Hot Babes'
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