Be very careful. You are not getting a Variety Map Packs token with purchase of this game as previously Advertised.
Activision seems to want even more money, and have now taken to bait and switch marketing tactics. Previous version of this Game of the Year Edition have been advertised as coming with a token you could use to download the Variety Map Pack. It's a gimmick used for pretty much all Game of the Edition games. It's what makes them worth the purchase over the older version of the game. Without this token, downloading the map pack is going to cost you about $10.
So now without any public notice, Activision has stopped including the free tokens inside GOTY Edition games. Making this game $48.99 (if you want the new maps) instead of Amazon's current price of $38.99. Buyer beware.
Buy this game used and don't let Activision rip you off as they did me.
It would also be nice to see Amazon put up a notice denoting this game will no longer include the map packs. Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is truly amazing First Person Shooter.
Modern Warfare has the most realistic graphics ever made for a game. It's very much like being inside a film. It is a visual feast. The sounds of wars are as real as if you are on the battlefield. The bad guys are smart and adjust as the situations change. The game has a great story with more than a few interesting characters. One of the most compelling aspects of the game is the accurate portrayal of the chaos of war. Confusion reigns as the enemy floods forward. What to do, where to go, when to stand and when to charge, are all choices that you make in the fluid situations of combat. The battles are long. The enemies just keep coming. Very, very cool.
If you are a first timer in the wonderful world FPS's start out on the Recruit level. If you are an experienced gamer you will find the upper levels more than challenging.
Modern Warfare's multiplayer is amazing. This is THE best shooting multiplayer experience to be had on line. Many features and new maps add to the addiction. But, if you are a FNG, playing online in multiplayer can be a bit difficult to get the hang of. Be prepared to suffer some humiliation until you get your skill levels up. Hang in there.
The Arcade Mode is an great additional (and mostly overlooked) feature. Here you play to rank yourself in the Modern Warfare universe across the planet. Allso, very cool.
HIGH replay value. A whole lot of bang (pun intended) for your buck.
Not many. The game is fairly short. The Veteran level is insanely difficult. The cheats available to the PC are not available on the 360. That's it.
You will not be disappointed. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is great fun and an the most amazing gaming experience to date. Plus, it doesn't have the mindless violence of any of the Grand Theft Auto series.
PS: The low star reviews are by young spoilers. They like "their game" best and feel it their "duty" to "shoot down" any other game that the gaming community thinks more of than "theirs." C of D 4 didn't get to be the 2007 Game of the Year (beating Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, BioShock and a host of others) by being anything less that near gaming perfection. As a grey gamer (been playing shooters for decades), I can say without hesitation that C of D 4 ranks 1st in it's class and takes a backseat to none.
I've played COD4 for a grand total of about 16 full days (384 hours) and still appreciate it very much. Like Halo 3, this is primarily a multiplayer FPS with a sidecar campaign that is well-written, choreographed, and voice-acted. All there is to say about the game has been said, however, on the original game's forum, so let's focus on the GOTY Edition's only added feature: the Map Pack.
I purchased the map pack the day it dropped and instantly had mixed feelings. Two of the maps, Creek and Killhouse, only tangentially keep with the game's fiction. Creek is vast, set in an undulating eastern European countryside. Due to the map's size, most players equip sniper rifles and just pick others off as they make their way through choke points and hence has gained a reputation as a "camper's paradise", meaning that players tend to just sit and wait, or "camp", rather than rush their opponents. Killhouse, on the other hand, is somewhat like Halo 3's Foundry map in that it is a big generic warehouse within which players navigate generic barriers and structures. It really is supposed to resemble an indoor military training area and can only be accessed online by playing Team Objective games (like Search and Destroy, Sabotage, etc.) or playing private matches with your friends. If you don't appreciate campers in FPS's and would prefer not to play a map that feels "outside" the game's narrative space, you may not enjoy these two maps.
Chinatown is in a class of its own, and well outside the game's fiction. It is a remake of an old FPS map and very dark, with convoluted passages through a cluster of themed buildings and various shifts in altitude depending upon which building you're in. In contrast to Creek, this is a map that favors close-quarters weapons like SMGs and Shotguns, but doesn't totally exclude LMGs or Assault Rifles. It stands apart from the game proper due to its theme, and if you like getting down and dirty in an urban setting, you might enjoy this map.
Broadcast is a large map lifted almost pixel-for-pixel from the single-player campaign. It is a television station in a city somewhere in eastern Europe, and affords players the opportunity to battle both indoors (various offices, a recording studio, mainframe room) and out (parking lot, roof, small adjacent buildings). Out of the Map Pack maps it boasts the best "flow", meaning that time between scuffles is short and that there is easy, obvious passage between areas and floors. Campers and rushers are both satisfied as the indoor action favors machine guns while snipers may pin down marks from accross the parking lot.
All of that being said, I'm a little disappointed that the GOTY version of the game doesn't include any visual or technical enhancements like other GOTYs have (thinking of Morrowind and Oblivion here) and only includes a free set of mostly-mediocre maps that will, after time, be free anyway. Also, it doesn't seem like a sound marketing decision to charge full price for the GOTY Edition when a consumer can purchase the original game (from Amazon) and the maps (from XBL) for $10 less than it costs to buy the GOTY Edition. Questionable... - Game Of The Year - Video Games - Modern Warfare - Xbox 360'
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