I have played practically every incarnation of The Sims since its debut (and Maxis games before that), and EA has finally brought the full experience to console. It has been a long journey with plenty of trial and error, and it certainly helps that console hardware now comes close to the power of PC gaming. I played Sims 3 on PC, but due to hardware issues and my disdain for EA's DRM technology I haven't spent my usual mini-lifetime within my sim's universe; I am thrilled to now have the option to play on the PS3. The game even seems enhanced. The added trophies, karma points and powers, challenges, and more fit in nicely, and the controls are easy to pick up. Challenge points can even be used to unlock content that would cost actual money on PC (like the steampunk collections).
There are only a few things that don't seem to flow, the major point being build/buy mode. It is so easy to switch in and out of build and buy on PC - just a click - but now I must hit the select button and navigate over to build/buy mode. The town map is also accessed from the select button menu. These things take away from the larger feeling of The Sims 3 PC version, especially since that aspect was one of the few improvements over The Sims 2 (PC). The continuity could be improved with Build/Buy and the Town Map being on a menu that is quicker to access. The town also seems small after playing the previous games with expansions. (Though I imagine there will be plenty of add-on content to come.) I don't think the loading times are bad, but I have been playing New Vegas. Anyone who has played Sims with about six expansions installed will think the loading times are lightning-quick.
The slight annoyances do not take away from the full game experience. All the great aspects are still there; pretty much everything is customizable, the graphics are gorgeous, and the music and sound are fantastic. I missed being as engrossed in the lives of my sims as I was playing Sims 2 on PC, and I am once again delving that deeply into the world of The Sims. The Sims 3
The pc version has more items and other options however I find sitting behind a computer annoying so I had to pick this up on black Friday for 30$. I enjoy it because I can just sit back and relax with my controller and have fun. As for the game itself it has gotten extremely easy sense the debut of the original which I still have and love. Although I do enjoy playing the Sims 3 more because instead of being worried about comfort and room the mood bars they took out it is less stressful and a more enjoyable experience. I like how many more skills there are and if you are into platinum trophies, this one will please you because its about 60 hours of game play for platinum. Whats pleasing about it is not only the time it takes but you will enjoy it! The Sims 3 is VERY fun and their are no hard annoying trophies just time consuming one like, fulfill 1000 wish's or 250k happiness points, but you will get this over time. Their is this new option called karma and its REALLY FUN because you can just mood boost your character before you go to work and get that raise or promotion. Buy this for any Sims lover or for your teen, better yet for yourself.
I bought this in hopes of being satisfied but after the GameSpot review I was hesitant to go and spend $60 on it. I did it anyway and can't be more satisfied with it. I spent 4 1/2 hours playing it today. If you played The Sims busting out or Urbz on the GameCube then this will be a nice upgrade. The controls came naturally to me. Didn't take more than 3 minutes of getting used to. Now the loading times can be a bit annoying after awhile but this only applies if you go anywhere in the town and have multiple Sims to keep track of. The loading times at most are about 20 seconds long which is a HUGE improvement since I played the Sims 2 last on PC. (Loading times were 15 minutes+) I would say overall if you are a hardcore Sims addict and every little detail matters, wait for the price to go down and buy it or rent it first. But if you just enjoy to play the Sims just to play this is the game for you.
Positives first people.
First I will say that buying this game was impulse for me. I didn't go into gamestop looking to purchase anything, I just wanted the price the Playstation Move...but I saw it and after talking the sales guy, about the graphics and such I bought it. Now the lure for me was the knowledge that this game had PREGNANCY! This was for me one of the best advancements from the Sims to the Sims 2. With the Sims 3 or at least this console version, it feels more invovled. I will give you a clear example of what I mean. My first Sim to get pregnant, the game says after the second day, (it feels like in TS3 pregnancy last four days)the game stops to tell you pick out some clothing with room to stretch in the tummy. (How cute.) Of course Pregnancy here has down sides...Sims will get backaches and have bad nights of sleep. Of course there will also be cravings which are nice.
So what could be so bad about something so much evolved? Well it is glitched, rather annoying. Back to my first pregnancy, her husband had no blood-relation to thier baby. WHY THE HECK, I mean seriously people! I was hurt by this more than anything, because I know I went through the hassle of making sure they were married. Annoying, very annoying enough to make me not want the play the game anymore that week.
Another positive no real load time. Sure if you are on the other side of town and your Sim is heading work the middle of town, there will be a minute or so time for the next locale to appear. When it does, it is beautiful. The graphics here are really pretty. And if a lot is closeby a Sim can just go there, which is good. Of course most of the lots are not really anything thing you actually ENTER. I mean, most everything is a robbithole, that is to say the Sim goes disappears when the go inside and you can't see what they are doing. They can be somewhat control by pressing circle to edit your command queue and then square to to pull up whatever options there might be for a given location.
Needless to say from the give example the controls are a little much. There are are too many compound controls. It's the Sims, I can't see why it would be useful to have to press a top button and a directional up to change floors or go from dayview to nightview. And I won't get started on how odd it feels to have to press select to get to the mode menu...that should be under start. It is only commonsense.
The biggest negative for me is the way this game saves. It has one save file per family. For me as a Simmer who understood the Sims 3 to the a game where the neighborhood is insync with itself finds the counter intuative. This limitation means you can only play one family ever it seems. You can't switch families with out starting a new game, and if that wasn't bad enough you CAN'T delete or completely move out any of the games premade families. This wasn't all what I was expecting. I think it really takes away from the Sims 3 experience. - Sims - Video Games - Playstation 3 - Electronic Arts'
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