After successfully putting this product together (the instructions rely on blurry photos), I found that it was very uncomfortable to use. Recommend using the optional bar, but watch out for the angle of the feet and ankles: very acute and uncomfortable. Don't recommend; returned the next day. Sunny Health & Fitness Mini Elliptical Trainer
This machine is very compact which is a huge bonus for anyone living in cramped quarters. It was easy to put together and seems pretty sturdy. ***It's slightly too tall to fit under the typical bed but compact enough to fit into even a cramped closet or corner***
Many people in the reviews I've read have complained that it's tough to get the balance down. The balance, if you know what to do, is simple. If you've ever hockey skated, use that exact stance and it'll work like a charm. If not, keep your weight on the balls of your feet. If you put the weight on your heels you'll lose your balance backwards. So remember, knees bent, weight slightly forward, you'll be exercising like a pro in no time.
This machine really works the thigh and rear end area and if you stay on it long enough it also provides a cardio workout. I would recommend this to anyone who needs to get or stay in shape and doesn't have the room for a full exercise room or the money for a gym membership. This is a great deal!
i have had this machine for about 6 months and i like it. only thing i had a problem with is you have to wear socks if you use it for a long period of time. strides are short but for just being able to keep moving it does the job. i play the guitar for rockband while im on this machine and even at times i put my laptop on the top counter and i get on the machine while i surf the web and it does a good job. i been using it alot since i see it in my living room and its just there so its simple to jump on it and watch tv and just go slow. dont need to move fast as long as your moving your burning calories. i choose this one because there wasnt any issues of staying on longer then 15 minutes like some of the other ones. it is very sturdy never had a problem with it does what it is meant to do. not a full size elitpitcal but for the price it was worth it keeps me off the couch.
I guess this is good for me cause I'm too busy and at times just too lazy to get dressed and go to the gym to use an actual elliptical. So I ordered this to use freely in my apartment, its very easy to put together and very quiet. Major problem with this is that is extremely low, so puts a lot of pressure on your knees, so I'm kind of worried about long term use... not as comfortable and functional as an actual elliptical of course. Because it's so low I actually have a book about 1" thick under the front of it, to give it a little lift so its not so low in the front, its a little better this way.... It not too heavy, as for me at 5'3" about 135 lbs now I can carry it easily around my apartment and use as I watch TV, my goal is basically to lose 30 lbs and get back to my weight, hopefully I can do it with this. Working out with music for about 30 mins a day I actually sweat so its okay just wish it had a little tilt or height in the front, and longer intervals... it has very short intervals so its quick and obviously will not work as well as an actual elliptical.... Also I might use a thicker book and make it a little higher!
So I guess I recommend this in this way that I use it and just watch out for knee problems and I think its worst if you weight more for pressure on the knees as its so low in the front so your feet go very low feeling kind of uncomfortable. Otherwise its good for the small size, its kind of efficient and does a little good I guess.... If I notice its too hard on my knees though I'll just stop using it. So look out for that, knees are very precious! :)
I'm a 30 year old mother of 2, newly pregnant with our third. My trainer arrived today via UPS and I put it together during nap time. It took me 20 minutes from opening the box to getting it fully assembled. The tiny blurry instructional photos are pretty straightforward, just be sure to take inventory of all your parts and get familiar with the screw locations before you start, and you'll have no problems!
Very affordable, great size for our little house. I hopped on it and got the feel for it, even though the strides are much shorter than a traditional full sized elliptical, I can already tell it's going to do the job! I'm very happy with the purchase so far. - Compact - Office Exercise Equipment - Mini Elliptical Trainer Review - Mini-stepper'
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