I ordered this book after purchasing a Blendtec blender. I was looking for some good green smoothie recipes. Well, I counted a total of nine. I should have realized The quality of this book from the silly cartoon picture on the cover. This book is 109 pages long with really large print. It really is more like a pamphlet than a book. This "book" should be priced at $2.99. So there is two and a half pages of recipes and at least 7 testimonials and the rest of the book is summaries of other books I own. I won't name them but if you already own any books on healthy living, positive thinking, or just plain old common sense don't waste your money on this book. Here are just a few of the topics covered:
Every time I order a book from Amazon I check the reviews. I am surprised that this book has any positive reviews at all. It makes me question the helpfulness of the ratings system. I have ordered a library of books from Amazon and this is the first negative review I can remember writing. How Green Smoothies Saved My Life: A Guide for Using Green Smoothies, Uplifted Thinking, and Live Food to Enhance Your Life
The title of this book is very misleading. Green smoothies did not SAVE the authors life, it merely improved it, as she admits in the text. And not green smoothies alone, but a host of other, generic, ordinary improvements we've all heard a thousand times... think positive, breathe, green tea, eat organic, drink more water, love yourself, etc, etc. I found this book TOTALLY redundant and uninspiring, a waste of my money. I agree with an earlier opinion, this is more like a glorified pamphlet with not much substance.
I recommend "The Green Smoothie Revolution" for many great recipes, classified in groups called "beginners", "children's", "adventurous", etc, so you know what you're getting into. I'm still in the beginner's group, and am winning skeptics right and left, with my samples. (I haven't yet tried the 9 recipes in this book "How Green Smoothies Saved My Life".)
If you are ready and willing to make a difference in your health, in your life - this is the book for you! Kim Caldwell outlines for you how you can live a happier, healthier life and it all begins with green smoothies. Try it for yourself and see! After my first green smoothie I immediately felt energized! It was if my body said, "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I felt great. The recipes are easy. I like to alternate which fruits I use to give myself a little variety in flavors.
But it's so much more - you'll read testimonies from others who have made this lifestyle change. You'll find yourself identifying with others and be comforted to know that others out there suffer from the same things you may suffer from (ie fatigue, obesity, even psoriasis). You'll understand completely why Green Smoothies benefit your body so well. And the second half of the book - when you read it, I hope that you embrace the activities the author encourages such as daily reflection, positive thinking, and taking daily walks. It's a choice you can make that you won't regret!
Loved the book! It inspired me to make smoothies on the weekend and freeze them for use at work during the week.
This program will work for any one. It is much easier to drink/eat the veggies when they taste good, increasing the total amount of veggies consumed. It is healthier, lower calorie, and more filling than juicing, because the fiber of the plant is included in the drink.
I especially love the many tips for improved health. It directed my attention to a hidden problem affecting health, which is that unconscious repetitive negative thinking weakens immune systems and thus health.
Kudos for putting so many helpful concepts in one easily readable book!
A delightful little book chock full of healthful tips and dreamy wisdom.Together divine and lovely.
An easy read with plenty of recipes for smoothies,warm smiles and even a few giggles.
Indeed, I believe GREEN SMOOTHIES do save lives.
**A great book from such a positive source.**
*Thanks Kim
I read it in one shot and couldn't thank Kim enough! When I was 12-14 I lost 6 very close family members, in that time period, and dealing with the grief, I figured out that I could be happy and fulfilled on my own, regardless of the emotions of those around me. As I got a little older, and got more stress and responsibility in my life I'd started to forget all of that, and almost stop believing in it. I just wanted to say thank you for reminding me, as well as enriching the concept so much further. I already feel so much more excited about day to day life. I'll be recommending this book to everyone I know, and keeping mine by my bed to read when I need another reminder :)
Kim Caldwell's book How Green Smoothies Saved My Life is an inspiration to all girlfriends who want to be in control of their health and their thought life. We all should take note. She also reveals simple and results oriented tips in her heartfelt book. It is such an elementary concept that packs a powerful punch. Whether you are a nutrition junkie or a newbie to the green food world this book will send you on a path to better health. It is a gentle wake up call that everyone should have. You don't need all the nutritional info for each shake because when you are consuming a variety of greens and whole foods as Kim suggests...you get all the nutrients you need from that well balanced plant- based diet!I say kudos to Kim for putting it out there for all of us to enjoy. This is a great girlfriend gift too!
I will be sending it back. It's full of inane ramblings and the cliches abound. Nothing original at all, just "do like me and you will feel marvelous!" "Drink plenty of water"! Wow, that's earth shattering! "Water will give you glowing skin". I doubt it's that simple... "Send Blessings to Others" "Think Positive"! "Take off your shoes and relax!" "If you drink green smoothies you will be in a good mood immediately"! You get the idea...There are a few recipes with only an ingredient or 2 plugged into a base of the same stuff. Recipes not imaginative or helpful. No nutritional info is included with them. The book is a rant on the "life giving properties" of certain foods. Again, cliches. What exactly are "life giving properties"? I doubt anyone knows. The only thing new I learned was about "skin brushing", which is as it sounds... Anyway, this is not a good book if you know anything about life or food, also, it is written in a very large type as there is so little content, it would only be a few pages if it was in standard 10 or 12 pt text. It also tends to repeat the same inane ideas over and over. How did she find a publisher... - Raw - Raw Foods - Raw Vegan - Raw Food'
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