Let me start this review by saying the 3 Stars is not for the movie itself, or necessarily the package, because I am sure it will be great. I myself, maybe I might be overrating it, but I loved this movie. I thought it was much closer to the fun and surprise of the first movie, and not the bad dialogue and pacing issues of the second and third. Depp was great as usual, the new villain was awesome, and the movie was so much fun! It wasn't flawless, but it was really good.
Now as for this package, I would be more than happy to buy it. However, Disney really did a good job of ripping off the buyers who don't have a 3D TV.
This is not the only edition of the movie on Blu-Ray, but this is the best one to buy. The five disc set consists of The 3D Blu Ray disc of the movie, a standard Blu Ray edition, a special features disc on a REGULAR blu-ray, a DVD copy, and a Digital Copy of the film. So what's the problem? Well me myself, I do not own a 3D player, but I love special features on Blu-Ray discs and for DVD's, so I like to buy the edition where I can have all of my special features.
However, what Disney did with this release is they put the standard Blu-Ray disc with all of the special features ONLY IN THIS RELEASE! In the other Blu Ray release of this film, it only includes the movie on Blu-Ray and the Movie on DVD. No special Features Disc to be found, but it is in this version.
This is really scummy by Disney because not only do standard people who don't want a copy of it in 3D get ripped off of special features, but also us who like our features will have to dig out some more money to pay for it. This edition is about 5-10 dollars more expensive than the standard Blu Ray and not only because of the extra disc, but because of the 3D!
It really makes me annoyed because I love special features, and I thought this movie was really good! But I am going to have a tough decision to make whether to buy this edition or not. I don't know, what do you guys think? Me myself? I might not even end up buying the movie because of this. Darn shame, I was looking forward to getting it. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Five-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D / Blu-ray / DVD / Digital Copy)
I'm living in South Korea. Here they just released the 3D Blu-Ray of "Pirates of Caribbean 4' ahead of States.
Guess I don't need to babble about the movie itself . What I did care only was the 3D effects with my Sony
3D A/V systems. Conclusion: Getting better everyday nowadays. Can't go back to 2D Dayz anymore.
For number 4 in this series, this bad boy isn't a stinker. I did miss Bloom and Knightley, but Depp is still good/bad ol Cap'n Jack, and Rush is back as well bringing his creepy elements to the whole story. Penelope Cruz adds a little feminine touch as the daughter (? is she or isn't she?) of the infamous Blackbeard.
And speaking of feminine touch. I will NEVER look at a mermaid quite the same way again. Shudder. Who knew?
If you are a big fan of Depp and Captain Jack you will probably need to watch this at least once. And if you are waffling as to whether to invest your money and your time in number 4... Red Box or Netflix it. A few laughs, some neat special effects, a couple of fights, some nastiness and those mermaids....ugh.
Here is a rule of thumb. Each Pirate movie is exponentially worse than the one previous. The first being a classic, the second being highly entertaining, but not quite as special as the first. The 3rd was a bloated mess. The 4th was worse yet with a pointless plot and phoned in performances by most of the acting core. I fear for the 5th, but based on my infallible observations, it will be less than garbage.
Do not buy this unless you are a DEVOTED fan of the Pirates franchise.
This movie pales in comparison to the first. It is not as good as the second or third either. It is bad enough that I actually had to stop watching it and take a break. It just seems cheesy to the point of being stupid. There are a few scenes that make it watchable though. The mermaid scene is really cool and reminds me of the quality of the first movie alot. Other than that it looks like this series has run its course.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides follows the same formula as the first three movies, monsters, treasure and swashbuckling, but it do not manage to live up to the awesomeness of the first trilogy. The story this time around is that the Spanish, the English and Captain Blackbeard all want the fountain of youth so three ships set sail. Jack Sparrow get involved with this and the race in on, who will get to the fountain first. Now this is not a bad movie, it is entertaining but the plot lack the twists and turns that made the first three movies so fun.This movie suffer from the beating a dead horse for money syndrome. The first trilogy rounds of and ends the story nicely, however as a result of that both Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner was taken out of the picture, now I am glad those that made this film did not decide to ruin that ending and bring those two back, however them missing from the character list give Jack Sparrow very few balancing points and also drives the number of sub plots and plot twists down to almost nothing. Yes they do bring in some new characters but the chemistry just is not there. The fact of the matter is, this movie never needed to be made, the original trilogy have one, contained storyline, that ends. This movie is just made so Disney can milk a few more bucks out of their franchise. Now as for the humor, a big part of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are the humor, and yes this movie to was funny, but while I in the first trilogy would laugh so hard my eyes would water up, this one was humerus at times but they tried to hard, with over acting and very contrived situations, many of which just where not funny, several times I could not suspend my disbelief because the acting was just bad, not the entire movie mind you bit in some of the scenes, it was like if Disney just said, ah people will buy this film anyway, it is a best selling franchise let us just not give a *beep* about if a scene turns out bad, let us just churn it out anyway, the movie is sloppy.Now I am not saying that Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides is a bad movie, it have many good scenes, the action is entraining, the story is good and the special effects is often very well done, especially during the mermaid battle. (it is like Disney got tired of hearing how sweet and innocent their mermaids are, for these will rip your face of an enjoy it.) If you like the first three movies in the series I am sure you will enjoy this, it is not bad, it is just that when watching the first three movies I looked down when it was over and saw my popcorn untouched in my hand, the movies had sucked me into it's story making me forget everything else from the first scene until the credits rolled, this movie is merely ok. It is a ok fantasy movie but it is sub par to the rest of the series and it also feels very tacked on.I recommend this movie to fantasy, swashbuckling and action fans, but if you expect it to be of the same caliber as the original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, then prepare to be disappointed. If you just want two hours of entertainment of the fantastical sort then this movie will provide that and do so fairly well. - Action - Johnny Depp - 3d - Pirates Of The Caribbean'
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