Worst accessory ever! DON'T BUY IT. It doesn't have power to blow or vacuum a smallest piece of styrofoam or paper. It'just doesn't work, it looks nice, but is utterly loud and gets clogged in a second, I mean if you somehow manage to scratch some dust of your equipment. Metro Vacuum MS-4C 115-Volt DataVac PC Desktop Electronics Cleaner
The way it is described in the catalogs and on the box and the way it is packed, you would think you would need to keep small children and animals out of its way, but that is definitely not the case. The other reviewer said that it was worthless when it is clogged. Well, if that is case, it sure doesn't take much to clog it. I used it on one not particularly crumby keyboard and I literally could not tell if it had ANY (I mean ANY) suction. You would get more suction putting a straw to your mouth and sucking.
I bought this from another retailed. I will be returning it immediately. I did not have unrealistic expectations. However, this is completely useless. My keyboard was worse after using this. It did not pick up anything! Not the tiniest speck of dust.
There's more suction created by closing a door 10 feet away than from this vacuum. Is that an exaggeration? No, because this "vacuum" creates ZERO SUCTION.
None at all.
I checked it all out. Clean, new filter: check. plugged in, turn on and making noise: check. Air brush (turbine) in proper place and spinning when powered on: check. Suction: NO.
Worthless. It struggled and I struggled to get it to lift an eyelash from a flat, smooth surface.
This little vac does exactly what it is suppose to do, pick up small dust particles. If you are expecting it to pick up pieces of food, screws and other larger items dropped in your keyboard or CPU then you will be disappointed. It is great for use around delicate pc boards and actually does pick up very small lightweight items. It is powerful enough for what it is intended to do and nothing more. If you want something more powerful then get the larger data vac pro or a regular vacuum cleaner.
UPDATE: I have had this neat little vacuum for a total of 4 months. All of a sudden it died. I contacted Amazon and they gave me a phone number for Data Vac which is the wrong company. Metro Vacuum is the manufacturer. I called and they said to send back and if they can't repair they will replace. Ok, fine but I have to pay shipping both ways. This will probably cost more than what I paid for the item here.
Buy something else. This item won't last unless you like shelling out $20 every couple of months.
Like other reviewers, when I first saw that this vac was electric, I thought the suction would be really strong. It is not and I promise you there are battery powered vacuums out there that are much more powerful than this. It will suck up only the loosest dust and debris from surfaces so the brush on the end of the nozzle has to do most of the work. Worse the filter is a tiny cloth thing that will let many small particles pass through. I used the vac to suck up some debris from a piece of plastic I was sawing and many of the particles (much larger than your average piece of dust mind you) went right through the filter and into the motor housing. That's another problem too - the exhaust goes THROUGH the motor and out the back end - not the best design when you have a poor filter.
This is a great little vacuum to clean computers with and even your desktops with. Plus I like the fact that I don't have to put batteries in it. It seem the vacuums that run on batteries to me don't have the power this one does. I really like this little vacuum cleaner. I'm giving this vacuum to a friend for Christmas. I already have one and liked it so much that I knew it would make a great Christmas gift.
Found this a while ago at an office supply store going out of business so figured for half price I'd try it. Vacuum power is weak; pretty much useless for a computer.
But for my cameras, especially the SLR's, it's perfect. I have the mini tool attachment set for the shop vac, but the suction is too strong around delicate camera parts, like a SLR shutter curtain. This picks up the dust but isn't so strong it'll suck up a mirror or delicate shutter curtain/blade. Better than "canned air" which can force the dust deeper into the camera. And I like that it plugs in/doesn't use batteries.
I also created my own filter to replace the fabric one that came with it; that helped improve the suction a little. I cut a circle of thin filter material (the kind used in a hot air heat outlet/register) to replace the original filter & holder, and use a piece of removable rope caulk to make a ring around the edge of the new filter to keep it in place; works perfectly. So, no stars for a computer but 4 as a camera vac. - Hand Vac - Dustbuster - Handheld Vacuum'
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