When it works, it works fine. Powered two different brad nailers and a spray finishing system for light use on furniture.
After 40 hours of use with the nailers it broke. Before that it gave my Father in law additional service without issue. The motor ate the drive belt, presumably after a small slip. There was a "Service Advisory" on it, which cost $30 of parts, and the owner gets to fix it, himself. Guess it was a known problem with a relief valve that backed up the system, forcing an overpressure on the piston, thus the slip of the belt. Bought service kit, Fixed it. Not ten hours of use later (three months actual time), the pin connecting the crankshaft to the piston sheared. Breaking two times, and it was going to be a new motor, $120, to fix that one. No thank you.
I'd give it Zero stars if Amazon would let me.
Last week I bought a Dewalt 15-gallon equivalent, hoping the next compressor system wouldn't end up being another disposable purchase. We'll see how it goes. If you don't need a portable version, the former race car mechanic I work with now, uses a Craftsman stationary one. His 30 gallon system was $300 when he bought it around 2002, or so he says. He hasn't had to do any work on his system, and he uses it much more than I do, as he rebuilds muscle cars on the weekends. He recommended DeWalt or Rigid for portable systems. I passed on the Rigid portables. They too are built by Campbell Hausfeld. No thanks. Campbell Hausfeld WL6501 13 Gallon ASME Horizontal Air Compressor - Dewalt - Compressor - Air Compressors - Dewalt Compressor'
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