Although the product description on Amazon claims this product is compliant with Windows Vista, the packaging doesn't. The drivers included on the disk do not work with Windows Vista 64 bit. I downloaded the 64 bit driver from the Sabrent web site, but it still does not work because it does not have a valid digital signature. I e-mailed Sabrent, and received an immediate reply that I needed to use F8, which disables the digital signature requirement for Windows at start up. I discovered plenty about that workaround on the Web, but I don't want to have to do it every time I start up, or install another third-party boot-up disabler, or any of the other myriad of workarounds people suggest. The product description should clearly indicate that there is no digital signature for the Windows 64-bit driver (and it's not included on the disk), and it won't work for people who are not willing to disable that feature of Vista. I e-mailed Sabrent asking why their driver does not have a digital signature and have not received a reply. I'm returning the product to Amazon. Caveat emptor. Sabrent SBT-USC6M Hi-Speed USB 2.0 to Serial (9-pin) DB-9 RS-232 Adapter Cable (BLUE)
I'm sure this product works great for PCs, but if you are a mac user, don't buy! The software driver is not compatible with macs, and it gave my computer some issues so I had to uninstall it. And I was never able to get my serial device connected.
Instead, I would recommend buying a USB Serial Adaptor from Keyspan. They keep their drivers up to date. I bought the USA-19HS and once I installed the software and configured my system preferences it worked great. So that's what I would recommend if you're on a mac.
As stated in earlier reviews there is no documentation included with this product, except for a read-me file on the CD, and that only tells how to install the drivers. Those instructions do not work in Vista because windows cannot find the drivers. These drivers are included within an install program, and the program does not work right in Vista. The drivers probably wouldn't work either. I tried letting my computer search on line for a driver but came up empty. Using the name of the manufacturer included in this listing, I went online and found the Sabrent support page. There is an E-Mail form to fill in. You will need the product ID (SBT-USC6M) and a brief discription of the problem, (IE. Windows Vista cannot find necessary driver on included CD.) I had an E-Mail answer within 48 Hrs which included a link to down-load the Vista drivers. This down-load is also an install program. You will need to find the program, probably in your desktop folder, and run it. The install wizzard will guide you thru the installation, after that you should have no more problems. After I finished running the program I plugged in the cable and windows Vista had no problems finding the drivers.
The product packaging and accompanying software looks shoddy--no brand name, or contact information of any kind; not even a web site or a copyright notice. The mini-CD directory is skimpy and confusing in regard to Vista installs. When something didn't work, I finally discovered email by searching for the purchased product on the web--the email response was unhelpful in the extreme.
HOWEVER, I figured out the problem (another program was trying to use the same port), and in general Vista had no problems with installing and managing the device. In summary, it does exactly what I needed it to do, and so far with no problems.
Desperate, I managed to locate this product on Amazon.com, and after consulting a couple of tech-type friends, decided to give it a try.
Net result: problem solved!
My "ancient" Palm IIIxe has a cradle that requires what I now know to be a serial connection to a computer. I thought all computers had these corresponding connections - not so. My new desktop has only USB connections. Hrumph.
My Palm has been an orphan for several months, but this spiffy little cable has joined my dusty old Palm cradle and my shiny new computer, allowing me to once again sync all of my handheld data with the desktop. Huzzah!
If your older Palm machine can't connect to your new computer, this cable might just solve your problem, too.
The other reviewers are correct: there's scant info of any sort in the "no-brand" package, and the mini CD was useless. It did nothing as far as I could tell.
My installation: I connected the cable to a USB port, and Windows Vista immediately began "installing" the cable. It automatically searched online at Windows Update (always scary) and apparently found an appropriate driver. It downloaded and installed the driver all on its own, and in a matter of seconds, my new cable was ready to connect to my old Palm cradle. Voila. :)
Bottom line: Works just as advertised, hasn't whipped across the room and hurt anyone, nor has it exploded, nor laughed at my poor spelling and typing, nor offended me in any way! - Serial Adapter - Db9 - Rs-232 - Usb To Serial Adapter'
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