I have tried at least 25 other types of this product. Arnica gel is nice and cool but doesn't last. Penetrex contains all great ingredients (I have been allergic to most), and I just can't believe I found a product that alleviates my torso pain, so that I can breathe without pain all the time. If you're in pain, please do yourself a favor and try it ... I really put a good layer on it (only used two-thirds of a jar so far ... it goes a long way), and I can feel it working its way through my skin into my bones. Glad I got a reminder to leave a review ... I need to order two more jars! This stuff is a miracle for me! I have wasted so much money on other products ... I purchased several other types on Amazon at the same time ... I returned them and will order more Penetrex! Even if you're not a chronic pain patient, this would be awesome for sore muscles, shoulders, anything! Thanks for a great product! If you ever come up with a shake I can drink, I'll buy that too! I am so happy with this product, I still can't believe how much it helps me! Penetrex® - The World's #1 Anti-Inflammatory Treatment For Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis & Plantar Fasciitis
I am a natural born skeptic...and I never seem to have the time to write reviews. Nevertheless, I felt duty-bound to not only other tennis elbow sufferers but to the inventors of penetrex as well...so I MADE the time.
I've been using this stuff for about 2 weeks and as I write this there's just one thought in my head. Why didn't I get started with Penetrex 6 months ago?!?
My tennis elbow pain has almost disappeared and Penetrex did the job that various other things I tried could not. And it did it at a fraction of the price.
I am only too familiar with the physical AND emotional devastation tennis elbow inflicts on its sufferers and if you're reading this and going through the nightmare, you have to order this stuff!!
P.S. The directions say to apply 3-4 times/day for 7 - 10 days and from my experience that is an accurate time-frame. The reason is that the product is what is known as a transdermal anti-inflammatory and it takes time to reduce that inflammation.
This is NOT a miracle snake-oil it is more of a medical, pharmaceutical therapy and you have to invest a little time...if you do, you'll be rewarded. Good Luck!
I have had Diabetic Neuropathy in both legs, for years. As a Registered Nurse, I've researched the current available medications prescribed for this condition and my Doctor has tried me on all of them, none of which relieved the extreme pain from this condition. Others who have this condition would tell you it impacts all aspects of your life, including getting a good night of uninterrupted sleep, the inability to focus at work due to the pain and how it negatively affects your social life because the pain prohibits us from going places.
When I saw this product I almost didn't buy it, thinking that surely if it did work Doctors would be recommending it to all their patients who have neuropathy but, thankfully, I decided to try a jar. I received it very rapidly, yesterday and wish I could describe my jubilant feeling of relieve about 5 minutes after I first applied the cream to both legs. I know that everyone has different reactions to a medication, but I sincerely mean it when I tell you that literally five minutes after I applied it, I could actually feel the pain ebbing slowly away. Ten minutes later I had absolutely no pain. I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it but I am here to tell you that if you're considering buying this, buy it now. I am applying it 4 times a day as suggested then will cut back slowly to one application a day. I fully intend to take this jar and information about the product's ingredients I researched on the internet and give those to my family Doctor and encourage him to recommend all his patients try it for pain relief. In this day and age, most Doctors refuse to prescribe controlled opiate medications for pain relief and at best, they only relieve the pain for a limited time, slowly causing your body to build up a tolerance for the medication and forcing you to go to a higher dosage, which is not healthy for you. This is the answer to the many people who need pain relief. Truthfully I'm not sure this jar would last for weeks and I'm estimating that mine will last for perhaps, 10 more days at the rate I am going to apply it daily, so I plan to order more jars of it today before everyone discovers it and there might be a shortage of it on the market soon. It will not stain your clothing or bedding nor does it feel 'greasy' after applied. There is absolutely no odor so you can wear it to work and social occasions and continue being pain free. In my case, it lasts much longer than I thought and I'd venture a guess it would last probably 8 hours after application so while 4 applications a day isn't really necessary I still will follow the directions and gradually taper it down.
As a health care professional, I recommend you try this product because I have full faith that it will work for the majority of those who use it. It's been a Godsend in my life and last night I slept all night long, not having the need to get up because of any pain. There simply was no pain. Best product to come onto the market and thankfully you don't even need a written prescription to buy it. Buy it today.
I was skeptical about this product. To me, miracle wonder cure-all claims smack of suckers and the placebo effect. What I was looking for was something like the new-to-the-U.S. (but common in Europe) prescription drug Pennsaid. I've been running for 30 years, and so it's no surprise that my knees sometimes hurt. My doctor did bilateral X-rays and gave me Pennsaid, which is a much buzzed about -- Men's Health and NY Times to name two -- transdermal nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that reduced the inflammation that rest and ice wasn't enough for. The huge advantages of a topical cream or liquid is that the drug passes through the skin directly to just the areas that need the agent, rather than like say ibuprofen (e.g. Advil) that has to go through the stomach and liver, then bathe the whole body with their effects. Ibuprofen cream is available in the UK and elsewhere, but not yet in the US. What I found was Penetrex.
The active NSAID ingredient seems to be arnica, a herbal extract from the sunflower family. Arnica contains helenalin, which is a sesquiterpene lactone that has been a major ingredient in other anti-inflammatory preparations. There is real published research showing arnica works, although the data suggest a different molecular mechanism from other nonsteroidal NSAIDs. There are other ingredients, a varied collection including B6, Boswellia Serrata and MSM. I have no idea if these really help.
After a bit more than a week my knees were feeling better. Pernetrex is not a pain reliever, there are no ingredients that would do that and it makes no such claims, so the better function and feeling is due to the anti-inflammatory properties. Could it be placebo effect? Maybe. Could it be time? Maybe. But am I buying another bottle to have ready when this one runs out? Yes.
The cream is not sticky or gross, and has a slight pleasant peppermint smell that is not noticeable after you put it on. Is it a miracle? Is it a cure-all? No. No. But do I think it really helped? Yes. I hope you find this review useful. - Carpel Tunnel - Pain Relief - Elbow Pain - Arthritis'
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