I purchased this product last Spring to replace a Coleman stove that was destroyed in a fire. What a pleasant surprise this purchase turned out to be. After having owned two Coleman stoves previously, I think I am in a position to make a fair comparison between the two products. The Texsport Dual Burner Deluxe Propane Stove was in comparison to the Coleman product very sturdy and with regular usage also found to be quite durable. One feature that I liked in particular was the flexible propane hose connecting the fuel source with the stove. This is a lot more practical than the Coleman rigid "L" shaped tubing that connects the fuel source with the stove. And finally it just looks nicer! While the Coleman Company supplies the market place with many fine products, I think we have to give the "thumbs" up on this one to The Texsport Dual Burner Deluxe Propane Stove. Texsport Dual Burner Deluxe Propane Stove
Stove worked well. The only improvement I would make is to the fold down feet that also hold the top closed when folded up. On less than level ground or a table, the legs fold over easily if the stove tries to slide to one side or the other. It would be nice if you could lock the legs in place when folded down to use the stove.
We already have an older Coleman stove, but needed another one as part of an emergency kit. The reviews were pretty bad for the new Colemans, so, decided to give this one a try. Had big problems with the seller, but that's a different issue. I just FINALLY got the Texport stove and tried it out to be sure it worked before storing it away. The construction is pretty flimsy - definitely has that "Made in China" look/feel to it. The grate moves around (doesn't hold it's position well), but I don't think it's bad enough to be dangerous. The threaded valve screws are clearly poor quality, but they did tighten securely. Plenty of sharpish edges everywhere, but probably not enough to cause cuts. The finish is going to scratch and chip easily - not like the nice heavy finish on our older Coleman. The lid doesn't lock down; the stove is only held closed when the legs are wrapped aroung the top. If you don't know how to use a camp stove, you won't be able to figure it out from these instructions. It's not a translation problem: I think the instructions were written by a crazy person. The knobs also feel cheap, but worked smoothly. On the plus side, it lit easily, and seems to hold a low flame. The hose connector is a GREAT improvement over the Coleman. I'm really glad that we have plenty of older propane canisters-hate to think what the new ones are like. Bottom line: I'm keeping it. But if I find an older Coleman at a yard sale, I'll buy it!!!
I went camping recently with another couple and they brought their own Coleman stove. We had decided to use that and when we set it up imagine our surprise when it didnt work! We came to the rescue by pulling this stove out of the car and it worked great. It was so easy to set up and it cooked things very evenly and well. It was fast and worked just as well as the Colemans. Our friend even commented that she liked this one better.
For someone that has had very scary events with other camp stoves this one is definately great. Easy to set up and use. SEEMS like it is very safe(time will tell). I'm not afraid to light it which is a great relief!!
This is a replacement for our old Coleman two-burner liquid fuel stove. We have yet to use it, but will be in the near future. It appears to be very similar to the Coleman in appearance. On first examination the workmanship and details in the stove are less than perfect. There are uneven paint sections and even bubbles. We hope that the heat, when burning, won't exacerbate those spots. - Camp Stove - Camp Stoves - Camping Stove - Coleman'
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