I got this product for my boyfriends father for christmas and he absolutely loved it! He has it on his keychain and everytime we need to open something or unscrew something he pulls it out. This is a man that has every tool imaginable. So if he likes it it must be good! Swiss+Tech UKTBS Utili-Key KeyChain Tool with Bottle Opener, Knife, Screwdriver, Metal Gift Box
I owned one of these for several months. When they're new, they're a little difficult to open. The hinge will loosen substantially after the key has been opened and closed many times.
The fact that it's so small and feels like just another key on your keychain is great, but it also makes it hard to use it for any one of its six functions. I mostly used it as a bottle opener, but only as a last resort -- the opener is so thin and small that it takes several prying motions around the cap to finally get it off, and you can easily cut yourself in the process. Similarly, its use as a knife and screwdriver is really impeded by its small size.
Back on the subject of the hinge loosening, one day I took my keys out of my pocket and the Utili-Key just wasn't there anymore. I never did find it, and I don't plan on replacing it. I would not recommend this product to anyone as it offers little practical use.
I owned a few multi-tools in my life. I had the compact Swiss army knife, Leatherman micra, and other Asian made models with similar functions. I have to say - THIS IS THE BEST COMPACT MULTI-TOOL on the market. Why? First of all, it is extremely small. Most other compact tools require you to attach them to your keychain, regardless of their design, they will always get in the way of your keys, your car remote .. etc. This thing IS A KEY on your keychain. It coexists with other keys, does not takes up space in your jeans. I work warehouse, and this tool is always a life saver. Opening boxes, cut tapes, bundles, industrial shrink wrap ... I mean I use almost everyday for 6 month, and it is still just as sharp. What else do you want from a $10 tool?
If you want a minimalistic compact multi-tool, this is the one you want. Highly recommended!
If you're finding that your keyring is just a growing mass of metal, yet you want to carry a pocket knife, this is just the item for you. The Utili-key helps me to open packages and tighten odd screws here and there. It's true that you must be careful not to cut yourself when opening the tool, but once you get the hang of it, it's not an issue any more. My only problem is that it's SO small and unintrusive I sometimes forget I have it when I need a knife!
This is a great thing to have on your keyring; it's profile is truly no bigger than most keys. I've had not trouble opening and closing it despite other reviewers. Makes a great gift for the person who has everything. Not sure however if this would get by airport security; I don't think it passes the TSA requirements--I mean it's very unlikely the screener would even notice it, but if they do, you're gonna have to just throw it away right there at the checkpoint, so leave it at home when you travel by air.
handy little device. use it one time and it pays for itself. save the day, be a hero. you always at least have your keys, so you'll always have this. it looks so much like a key i'd be worried it could slip by TSA. when travelling be sure to leave this at home or risk it getting confiscated. well designed and quite useful.
I have carried one of these for years. I find it very useful and because it is on my keyring to be very convenient. I gave out a half dozen of these at Christmas time and every recipient marveled at their usefulness.
In my job I go between a wide variety of businesses. Sometimes I'm doing face-to-face consulting with upper management. Other times I'm working installing computer hardware on a shipping doc.
I used to cary some basic tools and a pocket-knife or two with me. However with people being so security conscious this has become prohibitive. Too many places wouldn't even let me in the door if I had "anything that could possibly be a weapon". My Leatherman multi-tool got me turned away more than once.
This tool however folds nicely onto a keychain and is inconspicuous. When I need it, it's always there!
Saw edge, straight blade, flat-driver, Phillips driver and can clip around small wires for extra weight. Only part I haven't used is the bottle-cap opener. - Gifts For Men - Small But Useful - Multitool - Keychain'
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