If you read the 3 star product review, you might think twice. This individual actually sounds convincing. That is unless you've done your homework. I'd like to clarify a few incorrect points that have been made.
- Fast switching phosphors are used in all Full-HD VIERA models for 2011. By reformulating the phosphor materials, afterglow has been minimized and luminous efficiency has been increased. This enables crisp, clear rendering of motion images. A level of efficiency that exceeds our 2010 panels also increases picture quality while lowering power consumption.
Only the top of the line 2010 3D models ($2K) had the fast switching phospors. The neoplasma is literally a promotional "tag". The 2011 3D TV's have a different rib structure in the panel as needed for the seperation of 3D images, specific cross talk cancellation processors to minimize 3D double images, and a specific louvered filter (infinite black) to help keep glare down while keeping the two 3d images clear.
Panasonic streamline the production lines by sharing internal components for 2011.
Cost leader is the 2D 720 "X" model. High end 1080 2D is the 2D "S" model. The only 1080 3D line is the "ST" model. That's it. It's cost effective.
Note that "X" and "S" do not have the pro mode picture setup like the 3D models but don't let that scare you. The 3D models need it to fine tune double imaging.
The 720 "x" model is a fine choice however you will notice a difference in edge glow with blueray IF you know what your looking for. Since most HD TV channels are 720, you'll never know the difference. A lot of people read the old CNET report and live by it and a lot of it is valid. But a one size fits all review between 720 and 1080 is flawed. The old comparisons between LCD and plasma is no longer an issue as power consumption is now equal.
Panasonic plasma has always been choosen as best picture over Samsung and LG. Do your homework and make sure your looking at a review within the last two years. Panasonic wins period. Far more natural colors, especially over LED-LCD which makes movies look like they were filmed with video tapes.
I have no need for 3D as its not receiving the support expected. Soon 3D screens without glasses will be standard just like the new handheld games systems that have just been released. They just have to get past the headaches...
My old Panasonic was one of the first 1080s on the market and has been through 4 rough home moves and is still kicking strong. That earns a bit of brand loyalty from me.
I went with the "S"46 model for a very simple reason. $768 delivered.
Thinner, better design, better picture technology than the 2010 Panasonic models and 1080 for bluray. Lovin it.
Panasonic VIERA TC-P46S30 46-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV Panasonic VIERA TC-P46S30 46-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV
This item arrived 8 days after order (2 days early)and the delivery driver helped me unbpack, which took about 5 minutes. Set up was straight forward and easy and took about 10 minutes. There are only 3 HDMI connections, (2 in back and one on the side) but there are component connections for an additional HD source. If you use both a satellite or cable AND over the air antenna (I do) you will need to go back to the menu after initial setup to scan OTA channels as the first time set up only gives you the "either/or" option. There is NO RGB connection on the TV so a computer will have to be connected via HDMI or with an RGB-HDMI/componant adaptor.
Network setup was easy and went without a hitch. I have a wireless bridge which connects to the TV via ethernet cable so didn't need to deal with wireless set up but I suspect it was pretty simple as well, depending on your wireless router and existing network. Internet apps are somewhat limited to the major players like Netflix, Pandora,CinemaNow, etc. and there was no indication that Panasonic will be adding more in the future. DLNA was an important feature to me and this is the first mid-priced model that Panasonic has offerred with it that I could find. The TV immediately recognized my network and after a little familiarization with the interface I was able to play 99 percent of my network media files. I did note that the program files the songs within the albums alphabetically, not in their original album order but this is more an issue of my media server then the TV. File access through Windows Media Player seems to correct this. There is also an SD card slot and media player app but I didn't try this function
The pre-set picture settings take some getting used to as each is designed for different physical environments and you can spend a lot of time trying to decide which one suits you. There is also an option to create your own picture quality setting. I was initially a little dissapointed with the OTA high def picture as it appeared pixelated with rough edges. However this was in a bright environment during daytime hours when digital OTA signals from the broadcasters can be of lower quality . Stronger signal stations didn't seem to have the issue nor did the satellite channels. Night time viewing was awsome and I was quite impressed with the picture quality. I am no audiophile but connecting the digital optical out from the TV to my receiver provided excellent digital sound quality through my system.
Internet app access is a single button push from the remote and the interface is easy to navigate using L-R arrow buttons. I watched programming from Netflix and had no buffering issues with a connection speed at about 1.3mbps. The SD picture was very good and appeared about as close as you can get to HD at SD speeds.
At this point I have experienced no problems or issues and am very happy with this TV. I would reccomend it to folks interested in an alternative to higher priced LCD TVs of similar size and who aren't sold on 3D yet. It also appears to work well for internet feature access at limited connection speeds. - Plasma Tv - Hdtv - Panasonic - 3d'
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