I would definately recommend getting this one to put away in its original box. Its going to be worth something someday. Chloe Moretz is an up and coming actress and will eventually be well known as an adult. She was excellent in this part and this "action figure" commemorates that fact. I would also advise to get the companion figure of Kick-Ass. KickAss Mezco Toyz 7 Inch Action Figure Hit Girl Includes Swords Butterfly Knife
This was a gift for a 9 year old girl who was dressed as Hit Girl for Halloween, although she was not allowed to view the movie itself. She loved the costume, and so she was thrilled with the action figure. It was very detailed.
the toy is not bad but not great neither, this toy is not worth more then 10 bucks, and if it is don't get it. I bought mine for 16 bucks because i loved the movie but this toy is not a must have like the dark knight movie masters toys, which are alot better then this toy. Also what i hate about this toy is hit girls stance is all bent down and she can't stand on her own. great detail on the costume though. I give this toy 5 out of 10 stars as an alright toy and should be worth
8 TO 10 DOllars. And the 12 inch hit girl should be worth double that 20 bucks.
Amazon sellers don't try to screw people over by charging them more then they have to for a toy and don't be fooled people. i paid 8 bucks to much for this toy.But i will keep it because i love kick ass and this is the only reasonalbly priced kick ass toy out there. I won't be getting the kick ass toy after seeing this toy.
when the dark knight movie came out i bought a big 12 or 13 inch dark knight batman and his wings pops out just like in the moive and the toy looks exactly like christan bale as batman for 8.99 at ross for sale and its original price is 20 bucks still can't find my toy at amazon.
ps: also would love to have the first big 12 inch iron man toy but these pricks are charging 30 bucks for this toy. when the first iron man movie came out i remember seeing this toy at target for 20 bucks.
Amazon sellers don't screw people over by charging them way to much, ok pricks!.People be warned again! - Hit-girl - Good Condition'
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