I bought this thermometer about a month ago and have been using it to take my basal body temperature every morning. I think it is a wonderful product. Although some reviews said the beep was annoying, I think it is actually a very important feature. It beeps to let you know it is placed correctly. I sure like the peace of mind when I hear that. The display is lit and very easy to read.
I can not believe that someone said she had to run into bathroom to check her temp,because she did not want to wake her husband. Come on! The beep is not loud at all. And..didn't she know that basal temp should be taken the first thing in the morning without any unnecessary movements? I think husbands should actually help wives take basal temp by inserting the thermometre into their wives' mouths. This way, we can reduce our movements to minimum! My husband does this for me everyday!
One more suggestion for those who want to keep your latest result in the thermometre's memory for more than one reviewing. Whenever you turn on the thermometre to review the result, turn it off BEFORE the display begins to flash. After it flashes, it will become blank and ready for your next test. Your last temp will not be there any more. As long as you shut it off before it flashes, your latest result will always be there till you take your basal temp next time.
By the way, 1/10 degree F is precise enough for basal temp. Non-basal temp thermometres are 2/10. 1/100 is not necessary at all since on basal temp chart, we only record like 97.6, 98.2...
Hope this helps. I like this thermometre very much. Hope you will like it too. BD Digital Basal Thermometer
I've tried the Omron (Walmart) which died after using it about a month, and also the CVS pharmacy brand (2 of them) both of which were DOA and had to replace batteries only to have them die a week later! YES, a WEEK!! I couldn't find the BD brand anywhere and had to buy it online and boy am I so glad I did! Yes it beeps. But I'm so glad it does. When I take my temp I'm usually half asleep still and with the other thermometers I never knew if it was working. I was always waiting for the finishing beep and half the time the battery was half dead so 10 minutes later the thermometer was still in my mouth! And if you know when using a BBT you shouldn't really move around, so I didn't want to take out the thermometer and check to see if it was working only to have to start all over again! It was soo annoying! But I LOVE this thermometer! It's great and it's the one that the Taking Charge of Your Fertility recommends!
I got this BBT thermometer about 4 months ago. It works wonderfully. The best part is that the display is lit, so those of us that get up early, don't have to turn the light on. Also, it keeps the most recent temp. in it's memory, so you don't have to write down the temp right away. It's great.
First of all, I really love this thermometer and all that it has to offer. The continuous beeps really do help to know that the thermometer is in the proper position. It normally takes me less than 30 seconds to get a reading and its great that it beeps when its done. The memory recall feature is definitely a plus, esp. when I'm still too drowsy to remember the temp, and the back light feature is equally great. I think this is one of the only thermometers with a backlight. I've been using it with success for the FAM for almost two years know. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.
I've been reading the complaints that people have and a lot of them aren't valid or easily solved. Here they are:
PROBLEM 1: This thermometer can't be used as a basal thermometer or to track fertility because it doesn't record to the 1/100th (like 97.39) of a degree.
Answer: FALSE!! Tony Weschler, states in her latest edition "Taking charge of your fertility", a groundbreaking book on the subject of the Fertility Awareness method (and in turn NFP)--just look at the reviews on it here on amazon, on page 76 "Also, it is imperative that it be accurate to within 1/10th degree F. (for example, 97.4), BUT DO NOT USE THOSE THAT MEASURE TO WITHIN 1/100TH of a degree (for example, 97.47) since the latter are unnecessary and confusing." (emphasis added)
PROBLEM 2: The beeps are WAY too loud. They annoy me and wake up my spouse.
Answer: I personally don't find them to be too loud and neither does my husband, but if you do, on the back of the thermometer there is a small hole for the sound. When you're taking your temperature. Simply take your thumb and lay it straight down the back side of the thermometer while it is in your mouth, so that the hole is covered up. I found that this will SIGNIFICANTLY decrease the volume to a quiet, muffled, beep. You can even wrap your index finger around the top part of the thermometer (where it says BD) to give your your thumb some more resistance to press up against, muffling the sound some more.
PROBLEM 3: The back light doesn't come on when it's done taking my temperature.
Answer: When it's done taking your temperature, press the button to turn off the thermometer. The back light will turn on again, revealing your temperature before it shuts off.
PROBLEM 4: For the memory recall feature, the reading doesn't stay on long enough for me to be able to record the reading, and then it is erased.
Answer: When you turn the thermometer on, your last temperature will be displayed for about 4 seconds. If you turn the thermometer off again before it starts taking a new temperature (when it starts to flash), your temperature will actually still be stored on the recall feature. So when you turn it on again next time, it will still be there and continue to be there however many times you do this. Also if the 3 seconds you had before you pushed the off button weren't enough for you to see your temperature, you'll notice that you'll get an extra 5 sec's to read your temp when you press the off button before it finally shuts off.
I hope this helps! - Fertility - Ovulation - Basal Thermometer - Natural Family Planning'
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