My husband drinks these every morning (he doesn't like coffee) so getting these delivered to our front door with free shipping is AWESOME! Save us money too cause it keeps him out of the stores in the morning where usually he is tempted to buy other stuff like junk food! Rockstar Zero Carb Energy Drink, 16-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)
They say this is an energy drink. It has a lot of minerals in it but I just drink it for the taste. Somehow it really refreshes my thirst. It's hard to find and not cheap but it's a 16 oz. can so you get a lot for the money. Ilove the taste. I have no more energy than with any sugar drink and I've heard a lot of tall tales about these drinks. Just drink it if you like a well flavored drink. It's good.
ok, I must have missed out on some kind of product review or something.... becuase I would never have agreed to this change in rockstars juiced drinks. I had one today for the first time and all I can say is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for killing the one engery drink I actaully liked!!!
I hope rockstar thinks again really soon, becuase as of this moment I am off the soft drink band wagon.
Ya for 10% juice rockstar......NOT
I just had one of these new 10% juice version and they taste like crap, WTF is wrong with rockstar why change something that was so good to something that tastes like crap now..... goodbye my beloved 50% juice untill you return (if ever) I shall miss you. oh and circulation just hit my area with this crap.
As I work nights, I've tried almost EVERY energy drink out there. They usually taste like vitamin-y candy.
This is the best (besides Juiced Guava... Less calories. When you drink 2 a night, that adds up).
As I sit here, sipping the lovely purple liquid, I contemplate how to describe the flavor. Sweet, hint of fruity? I dunno, but it's VERY enjoyable. I visit 7-11 nightly, was all bummed out because they were out. Got Monster instead and whined at my 7-11 guy. He told me to put the Moster back and went and grabbed me some from his stash in the back. What a winner!! :-)
I like RockStar Zero Carb (blue can) WAY more than Redbull or Bawls. Though I do enjoy Monster's HitMan energy shots, though too much caffiene too fast. Prefer to slowly consume throughout my shift....
Hope this helps someone.
having one with or after lunch totally eliminates the urge to find a quiet niche and cut a few zzzzz's. i have a large capacity for caffeine so rockstar does not make me jumpy at all...just eliminates the drowsys. the flavor may be an acquired taste but could be worse. a small price to pay for the buzz.
We were expecting a case... but no - we got 23 cans thrown recklessly in a box that arrived with a hole in it - some of the cans were dented! Will not be making this purchase again unless we can be assured this will not happen again. - Energy Drinks - Energy - Energy Drink - Delicious'
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